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Duplicate Holdout /Hostaged buildings

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the idea is simple

To make an "Rebuild" option where player can put any buildings (without selling them) up to:
- 5 until Tier II
- 10 until Tier III
- 15 untill Tier IV(if there will be tier IV in future)

This will help with rebuiling the City.
Now i know MANY will overuse this option so:

If buildings wont be removed from "holdout" within:

24 hrs - Player must pay a fee (10% of coins and supplies Building is CURRENTLY worth)
48 hrs - Player must pay a fee (50% of coins and supplies Building is CURRENTLY worth)
72 hrs - Player must pay a fee (100% of coins and supplies Building is CURRENTLY worth + 2000 of each goods of the tier that was it bought from i.e. If it was marble factory(Tier I) player must pay 2000 marble, 2000 Planks, 2000 steel))
96 hrs - Building are sold.


This looks like an elaboration of the idea of a building inventory that's proposed in this thread (click). Could you post your elaboration there? I'll close this thread as a duplicate.

If you think of a new idea, you could check if it's already proposed via the search option in the upper right corner and via the New Ideas Database (click). ;)
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