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Not a Bug Half amount of needed goods.


Before todays server maintenance and update, i had to make the advance scouts research. If i remember correct it needed 300 marbles, 250 steel and 235 plunks. After the maintenance the needed good was half as before. What happend? I dont see any change in game log of the updates (sorry if i didnt notice it and is written somewhere else).

Player Name: Cherubim

World: Beta

Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate edition 64b English/Greek

Browser and Version: Mozilla Firefox 36.0 / Google Chrome Version 40.0.2214.115 m

Flash Version:

Screen Resolution: 1366 x 768


Well-Known Member
As has been announced in This Topic now, the developers did some rebalancing with this. Therefore, I'll set it to "Not a bug". Thanks for reporting this anyway, sharp of you to notice! :cool: