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Incomplete Got no Coins and supplies (rewards) if quests are done


If I have done the quest: Have 3 superior steel manufactures, but I haven't got the rewards (20000 Coins and 5000 supplies.
I also have done the Quest: Gain 5000 supplies, but I also haven't got the rewards (5000 supplies).
Next quest: Place one trade order: Here I have got the rewards.


Little mistake:
Gain 5000 supplies, but I haven't got 100000 Coins


Thank you for reporting this to us, angie. Just to get the obvious out of the way, you did upgrade 3 steel manufactories to level 9, correct? And the quest would still not complete?

In either case with these quests, did a refresh of the game make any change?


Any chance your storage for the reward was full when you accepted? (is a pop up warning saying youll lose x amount if you accept now)


It seems that most quests can only be done when we are playing (the game is open), not when the game is closed. For example, I usually start the 'gain 100 resident', start the residence upgrade and closes the game. After few hour I'll open the game, expecting the quest has been done. This worked in the past but recently, it just don't. Only upgrades that finish during gameplay counts


As it has been a while and we have not had a response from the original poster, I will mark this thread as incomplete. Unfortunately without the proper information we cannot investigate any possible issues. For anything regarding other quests please use a new thread. Thanks! :)