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Duplicate Golem queue

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Every time I train a Golem unit it disappears from the queue: I click, resources are spent but no unit is put in queue, click again, resources spent again, unit put in queue. Happened 3-4 time a day in the last 3 days.


Well-Known Member
Dear alakazan.

I created a small work-around for a similar problem.
It was helpful for a lot of players.
Maybe it works for your problem too

Solution for Barracks Training Problem

Here is my small "work-around"

Select one Unit of your smallest troops.
Select Train, it is placed in the first slot and started. Fill up the following slots.
All other troops in the following slots starts after finished trained.
(Continue with this procedure until all troops are trained und you have 5 empty slots.)

>>> Deleting training troops results in an internal error <<<
This way do not work

Checked again, it works

1 Sword Dancer and 2 stacks of Treants II. Correct counted after collecting!!

Collecting finished troops during the training procedure leads to an interrupt of the training procedure. The training stuck, the queue is broken!!
You have to restart with my described procedure

So keep the troops uncollected until all are finished trained

I know, it's not great but better than nothing
(You lost the capacity of one training slot)

I think it will work also with full stacks. The most important thing is:

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