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Not a Bug Forum Drop Down Menu


General Description (Overview):

What I expected to happen:

When I click on one of the drop down menus I expect it to appear under the action button (inbox / alert) that was clicked.

What actually happened:

When I have not fully scrolled to the right of the screen and click the “alert” button the drop down menu appears partially obscured on the other side of the screen.

How often has this happened:


Screenshots/Additional information:

2 screenshots attached.

When I click on the “Alert” button it should force the scroll fully to the right and display the drop down menu under the “Alert” button

Reproduction Steps:

1. Open the Forum.
2. Log in to the Forum.
3. Scroll to the right side of the screen so that only half of the “Alert” button text is visible.
4. Click on the “Alert” button.

Player Name: Jimmac
World: Beta Elvenar
Operating System: Windows XP
Browser and Version: Firefox 36.0.4
Flash Version
Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels 32 Bit

Screen 1.JPG

Partially scrolled to the right.

Screen 2.JPG

Fully Scrolled to the right


Thank you jimmac for this report. Will pass this along so it can be checked.


After checking this, it appears this is intended behavior. It's done to make the forum compatible for mobile users and those using similar devices. It does seem to make it more troublesome for those using a browser on a smaller screen or who have re-sized their browser. Hopefully that can be improved. :)