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Discussion Fellowship Adventures


Could anyone confirm that the 1-3rd place overall in FA are the same trophy buildings as usual pls? My beta account isn't in an FS atm.


1 Treasury: Carting Library/ Ancient Knowledge 10 & 15
2 Treasury: Gingerbread Artifact/ Ancient Knowledge 20 & 15
3 Treasury: Booster 20h/ Gingerbread Artifact/ Ancient Knowledge 15


Well-Known Member
We definitely need "universal artifacts" so more then one player in the guild would be happy! How can we get motivated with useless prizes?

I would upgrade my siren or panda with universal, with gingerbread artifact it's useless for me because i have nothing to upgrade.
Terrible prizes, i'll do FA only for my fellowship mates to get them additional artifacts they lack, nothing for me.

March FA with this concept will have only 2 Valentine Float Artifacts (for money/mana/seeds/3KP building) so it will be even weaker.
I'm looking past to Phoenix in April.

King Luckybaby

Well-Known Member
Universal artifacts
or only: artifacts

Possible for all Evolotions buildings

I have made the suggestion very often
Not only here

Why shouldn't they exist?
Why is INNO against it?

We all would only have advantages


Well-Known Member
Theres no point to keep suggestion it. Its never gonna happen (or at least not how most suggesters have it in mind)

If there are universal artifacts, why would you bother doing an event, just do the first quest for the building and then get evolutions afterwards (or you might even have some evolutions already saved up).
If you dont do the event, why would you bother spending diamonds on it to get enough artifacts?

Introducing universal artifacts only hurts inno, and therefor hurts the game in his whole (if they dont make money anymore they wont develop anything new).


Well-Known Member
Ok, so a big part of the request for better collection for badge making was about how easy it is to misclick, and then when trying to find the right one to click on, the delays to actually getting the correct information when you scroll over a manu means you can get the wrong one even when you are trying to check, and same with workshops. So how about letting us click on a collection badge and give us a "harvest" button so we can collect items specific for that badge only. So when you have 10 statues set up, you click harvest 10 times.


Well-Known Member
Here is the core information (including Spreadsheet) for the Fellowship Adventures.
You are welcome to share it with friends and fellowship who do not play on Beta.




Well-Known Member
I am not for univerzal artefacts, but I miss the source to gain more of them somewhere. FA is good for people, who couldnt gain enought from big event. It is good this way. But what about the people, who need more than just two of them? I have two gingerbread hauses, if I want to have some use for the second one I need it at the lvl 10, it means I need more. Same for people, who didnt play winter event and they will probably be able to craft gingerbread (or any other older evolving building) in MA. They will need more than just silly two artefacts. I quess devs are just waiting to have more evolving buildings until they give us some (random = they love random in recent time more and more) oportunity to win lets say one per week (in tournament long wanted 11 chest or so).

But, we do not have motivation to play FA. We have some motivation to run through it (KP and for some artefacts as weel are still good), but I miss the spirit of the first FAs we had. We have oportunity to win prizes, that were unique back than. We wanted to be first. Now, what can we gain now? Ugly arches, that has weeker stats than other accesible buildings? No thanks. I now, we have better system without so many clicks, but there is still problem, that if we need any prizes you give us here, we need to build useless little garbage in our cities. It doesnt make sence. The only badges I accept are those, that we gain by active play and can be usefull for development of our towns: spell badges, AW, coins, army, even brewery, ents, bakers, carpenters or few farmers could stay, but it has absolutely no sence to build small manufactories to gain some jewellery and statues or blacksmits, that are just slowing down any city.

FA are good idea, but they need to improve. Give us better some new badges, which we can gain by active play (some for supplies, or gaining goods, neigbour help, tournament fights, spire fights, for CC or vision vapor, what ever...

Plus, we need some real top prizes.


Well-Known Member
They have already told that universal artifacts will not happen. In one of previous streams.

Then they are preparing for game's shutdown, because players won't tolerate such silent and refusing game team.
Already population declined in live servers after winter, it's much more visible.

Refusing logically best options is killing the game. I myself resigned of buying diamonds on +100%, after what they did with Winter Event.


Well-Known Member
Or maybe they will move away from evolving buildings to something else.
And to be honest every evo buildings outside of phoenixes and bears was more or less just garbage.

I don't consider it garbage, i get tons of resources from them. But they could be better.
Resource based game is punished recently.
Armies created with help of brown bear are for multiple fights while all resources from multiple sirens or gingerbreads are for 1-2 encounters.

There were multiple propositions to balance the buildings but team is deaf for problem.


Ich kann mich meinen Vorrednern nur anschliessen. Fast 50% mehr Artefakte sammeln für solche Preise?
Bisher machten die Gilden mit, da es Spaß macht, als Gruppe gemeinsam etwas zu erreichen. Auch wenn es nicht viel ist, was man dafür bekommt, es ist doch das Gemeinschaftserlebnis das zählt. Aber diesmal wird es Frust und Quälerei geben! Es ist ja nicht zu schaffen! Wenn das sooooo auf den andern Servern gestartet wird, wird nicht mal die Hälfte mitmachen, jeder rennt nur den einfachsten Weg durch. Das wäre sehr Schade! Bitte ändert das wieder!


Well-Known Member
I can only agree with the previous speakers. Collect almost 50% more artifacts for such prizes?
So far, the guilds have participated because it is fun to achieve something together as a group. Even though it's not much you get for it, it's the community experience that counts. But this time there will be frustration and torture! It can't be done! If this is started on the other servers, not even half of them will participate, everyone just runs through the easiest way. That would be a great pity! Please change it again!


Well-Known Member
So far, the guilds have participated because it is fun to achieve something together as a group. Even though it's not much you get for it, it's the community experience that counts.
We will manage to do two rounds - in a lowbie guild with 6 active members. We as a guild have fun…