@Alcaro : You didn't think they were going to make it [for non-very-keen players] so hard now to earn the 9th, and sometimes even 8th, Artifact - or the final Set Building - in Events
without doing something about the easy-single-Path-per-Map way to get those Artifacts... did you?
Inno - the original, and reliable, example of [choose your favourite analogy] : Rob Peter to pay Paul, or - give with one hand, take with the other.
I think they operate some kind of 'Master Spreadsheet' [my own invented term; you could substitute e.g. database, novel self-made software, whatever] which not only predicts the effects upon the entire game when changes are made to only certain parts of it, but also - whenever they either introduce or increase a method of earning A or B in-game Resource/reward from X or Y source(s) - auto-calculates for them how to remove the same amount - or more - of A or B Resource/reward from D, E, F [etc.] other parts of the game - some, or even all, of which will
appear to be entirely unrelated, of course.
And because Inno almost certainly don't plan or implement anything at all (at least nowadays) without consulting detailed player metrics, it's probably easy for them to see where players will tolerate this kind of tinkering, and where they won't - and if they won't tolerate it despite Inno's predictions (after all, human behaviour will never
really be comprehensible by any A.
[non-]I. software) - again, as shown by metrics [who needs player comments any more?], this 'Master Spreadsheet' will come up with various ways to alter the specific choice made into a more 'acceptable' form.
The use of so-called A/B Testing, which is increasingly prevalent amongst [especially mobile] gaming houses, only serves to further confuse players and to conceal all of the above, too - including, as ? perhaps described by
@Hazel Caballus, above, even their own Forum staff, at times.
Not a joke.