LONG POST - No tl;dr - Please just skip if you prefer. Thanks.
(Firstly - this may appear a pedantic, argumentative, or even irrelevant point, but please bear with me.) Unless the specific nature of the relevant comment/question/discussion is "
precisely when was any given in-game feature introduced or changed?", I can
never understand the value of the following response when someone else criticises, or otherwise draws attention to, any given FA (or any other) in-game element or feature:
The above response was given in reply to the following earlier comment:
Considering that this thread already contains some discussion about whether Ghost Badges, in the new FA structure, have become a greater - if not practically insurmountable - bottleneck for higher-performing Fellowships, and an onerous burden upon many other Fellowships, too, I doubt that
@Maillie was commenting upon the NOVELTY of the Waypoint in question being altered to require 84 Ghost Badges, but rather expressing the opinion that the NUMBER OF Ghost Badges required, at 84, is excessive for a 300-value Waypoint.
As stated, this may
appear to be a trivial and even an intentionally argumentative point, but if I may: I think it's quite important to make this point because I have frequently seen this kind of response on this Forum to what are actually entirely unrelated questions or comments, during my 4+ years of reading the Beta Forum in search of advice about the game,
as many others also still do (although typically without posting anything), and I find it frankly unhelpful - especially for new players who are seeking information about what can be a complicated game, and which does indeed change its underlying mechanics quite often compared with many mobile games - to see players raising a valid question which is worthy of discussion, only for that question to effectively be dismissed, usually with little or any commentary or debate, on the non-relevant grounds that "this in-game feature already existed before you noticed it"... which hardly addresses the question itself in any way.
In other words : the mere fact that
X = true does not also mean that
X = desirable, and certainly not that
X should therefore remain true.
To go further (I'm hardly intruding upon an ultra-busy thread, after all...) : this Forum already, and it seems increasingly, lacks both participants of ANY kind and, more specifically, much in-depth analysis or debate, which one would think might or even
should feature more often on a Beta Forum than any other Forum, so I think it's a good idea to encourage, rather than discourage, engagement in conversation by those who DO post here - whether or not their question has been asked before and/or partially or fully answered, at another time or in another form...?
So, the above said - and more directly on the topic of the 84 Ghost Badge Waypoint and FA Badges requirements as they now stand:
Under the 'older' FA system, Arcane Residue and/or Bracelet Badges were considered by the majority to be the 'bottleneck' and/or most onerous Badges, although there were ways (in some cases involving spending Diamonds/money), whether acceptable or not to most players, of surmounting these Badge requirements, which do not appear (?) to apply to the new hard limit on Ghost Badges, since Tournament and Spire Encounters are ultimately also hard-limited (well, in all but the most extreme of 'pay-to-win' Cities, which I believe could at least theoretically buy their way through infinite numbers of Tourney Provinces, assuming that Scouting, as well as Province completion, in the absence of the required in-game Resources, can be paid for with Diamonds... or am I wrong on that? I've never tried to open a Scout or clear a Province in that way).
And as far as Arcane Residue in particular was concerned - speaking as someone who has organised a competitive FA in a high-performing FS - this Badge's tendency to be in very short supply, making it a 'bottleneck' in many cases, wasn't only a mere fact, but quickly became, in many cases, a tiresome and even notorious aspect of the older-style FAs - with the most wasteful Waypoints in respect of Arcane Residue being, at that time, Orange 3 and Orange 7 on Map 3, with Arcane Residue requirements so irrationally high for such low-value (300 Points) Waypoints that our FS, and indeed many others, advised their players to avoid those Waypoints entirely, and as a matter of course.
It could be argued that the unduly large number of Arcane Residue Badges required by those two Waypoints in particular, and by the entire FA in general, offered some kind of 'challenge' or at least interest value for some Fellowships, although I personally don't recall anyone regarding Arcane Residue in such a light; the general consensus was that the Badge was an overly demanding nuisance, and the two Waypoints mentioned were nothing but 'traps for the unwary' - with further annoyance and/or frustration occurring when it happened, as is so often the case, that a few FS Members added their Arcane Residue Badges to those Waypoints - or others the FS wished to avoid - regardless of all advice to the contrary.
This 'Badges in the wrong Waypoints' problem is a persistent thorn in the side of FAs, since there is far less value in a 'team-building exercise', as we are led to believe the FAs are meant to be, if some [and sometimes most] of the additional conversation and inter-personal interaction generated is motivated not by good cheer and/or a healthy competitive spirit, but rather by frustration because the FA interface and structure itself allows - or even appears to encourage, as in the case of the Arcane-heavy but low-value Waypoints mentioned above - the 'wasting' of hard-to-obtain Badges, especially at a later stage (e.g. Map 3), where the requirements for all Badges are much higher than in earlier Maps.
I have not yet performed, nor read, an analysis of whether Arcane Residue and/or Bracelet Badges are still considered unusually difficult to obtain in comparison with other types, although I doubt that either type of Badge has suddenly become one of the 'easier' Badges, regardless of the specifics. However, I'm obviously aware that Ghost Badges, which are much easier for some Fellowships to earn (albeit not in limitless quantities) than for others, have become 'the new Arcane Residue/Bracelets' in the eyes of many, and I'm disappointed that Inno would, knowing this as they surely must, still go ahead and - as per Maillie's comment and screenshot - create, alongside them, what amounts to new iterations of Orange 3 and 7 on Map 3, and thus Waypoints for most FSs to avoid (often in favour of extra Pit Rounds) - bearing in mind, here, how troublesome it can be, practically
and emotionally, to try [where desired] to prevent one's team-mates from adding valuable Badges to such low-value Waypoints.
For many players/FSs (albeit not all), fun tends to evaporate in the face of high pressure, and almost always in the face of frustration, so the avoidance of same would seem, to me, to be something which Inno both could and should foster; such will hardly be achieved (no matter how easy this is in terms of balancing the FA's requirements) where any one or two Badges are simply made overly valuable/rare and therefore overly likely to
cause frustration when they are placed where the FS would prefer they are not placed, strategically speaking - and near-enough encouraging such an outcome by requiring disproportionately large numbers of such Badges in low-value Waypoints is such a bad idea that it seems improbable that it would occur by pure chance or mere incompetence (from which I have never thought Inno's devs suffer - in any regard).
In Summary:
If Inno intended to re-work the FAs, why not do a proper job and
equalise the value of ALL the Waypoints? Why the need for some to be so very expensive, especially seeing that the new iteration of the FA has finally made a very welcome and frustration-
reducing alteration in the form of Badge overflow? It's difficult enough to organise and run a FA with the limited in-game tools which are at our disposal, and continuing to over-complicate FA planning - and to near-enough encourage the frustration caused by Badge mis-placement by creating what amounts to new 'Waypoints to avoid' (albeit with a different Badge causing this effect) is, in my view, either a major oversight or a deliberately provocative choice.
Footnote re Text Formatting:
@InnoGames @Marindor : I have used the cumbersome and space-heavy manual insertion of earlier posts (above) because the Forum software has recently been modified in several respects, including the removal of the automatic 'nested replies' feature - which is rather unhelpful when it comes to re-quotes, as I hope is evident - especially because it is also now more difficult to edit quoted comments without 'breaking' the Forum's text formatting. Could an option (at the user's choice) to show/not show nested replies be restored/added to the Forum UI? Many thanks.