Well-Known Member
I don't think so. As far as I can see and know, the only difference in production is given by the level of Mountain Halls.Each chapter the population and culture per square rises. So if you adjust for these requirements then the T1 production per sqare does indeed rise each chapter. Another argument would be that some player may not upgrade all factories in the same chapter as they unlocked it.
In Beta - ch.16 - my basic prod. is 750 + 5250 relic boost + 630 from MH lvl.14 = 6630 < prod for 3h T1 lvl.31
in Live - ch.17 - my basic prod is also 750 + 5250 relic boost + 540 from MH lvl.11 = 6540 < prod for 3h T1 lvl.31
From what I know, the culture has influence over coins and tools production not goods production.