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Events for New Players


Because I'm an Archmage in another world, about to enter the Halflings chapter, I've lost sight of what it's like to build a city, especially as a new player during an event. So I wanted to refresh my memory and see the event a week in advance, to prepare our FS for this event, and started a new city in beta. I'm giving feedback about how it affected me.

I quit playing beta.

Progressing is not all that difficult, a couple days I hit chapter 2. But the event has multiple problems, some of which I already wrote about in another thread.

I went to get the rainbow flower cage today, because it's tiny for a tiny new chapter 2 city, but to see if it "worked" due to the bug of the prize not appearing. Someone from our FS asked me to do so. Because it took me so many tries to get the cage (at the 140 level), it filled up the 1st grand prize item.

The 1st grand prize item is larger than my main hall. I have no land to place it and won't for a very long time, and even when I finally do, it will be antiquated and not worth placing. Even if you thought someone might want to place it so bad, they'd use diamonds for extra land, that's a far stretch when someone is fairly disgruntled to start with.

The newer members in my "real" FS have done nothing but complain about this event, and rightfully so. It seems mean spirited to newer players, and even for mid-range players. There's no sense in making an event so difficult that it's stressful. All you'll do is chase off potential new players.

Certain quests are nearly unreasonable. Upgrade to level 12 (I'm barely upgrading to level 5!), or complete a technology take very long times. In addition, 6!!! buildings to level 5? Really?

I realize some players allegedly "like the challenge," rather, don't want to complain about the game because they somehow think it earns them brownie points with Inno. But based on my own experience and hearing complaints everywhere, thanks but no thanks. This is not fun and on top of it, the prizes really aren't that great. Inno, you need to hear these things if you want to retain players.


King of Bugs
The 1st grand prize item is larger than my main hall. I have no land to place it and won't for a very long time, and even when I finally do, it will be antiquated and not worth placing.
you have 3 flying boats in your city = 27 tiles while first prize is only 24 tiles and gives more then double culture of this 3 buildings together, not hard math tho


Back in my days, we started our cities without any events, tournament rewards or internet connection (yep, some hardcore players we were). If event quests or rewards don't fit into a starting city, it's ok. Even if you get only 1/3 of the rewards, it's still 1000x more, than we got back then.


you have 3 flying boats in your city = 27 tiles while first prize is only 24 tiles and gives more then double culture of this 3 buildings together, not hard math tho

Very familiar with the math, it's just a lot easier to move around a 3X3 than a 27 tile grand prize when it's time to reorganize my city. I'd have to do some huge reorganization to get the prize built. But, did you miss the point?


I actually don't really care about the rewards. They come and go with each new event. If the event isn't fun, it's just not worth doing, even if there's some ultra-sweet cultural/pop building. Like Urval said, didn't need events when I started this game and it wouldn't be tragic if I don't take part in this one. But a new player wouldn't know we "didn't used to have" events, they may think it's an ongoing thing and get discouraged before they barely start the game.

Sir Squirrel

Well-Known Member
I have to agree, this event was not made for new players, with the pay x amount of tier three goods (even if you don't have tier three factories), and the grand prizes being huge, I have told my smaller members on the live servers that I will help them with goods so they don't get frustrated and quit. Here on beta, I am in dwarves and the pay x amount of goods quests totally wiped out my tier 3 stock at quests 60-62. I thought the events where suppose to be fun! At least they used to be back in the days when they first started.
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