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Battle Enemy Troop Amount


I think that each time your troops battle the enemies and lose, the enemy troop count you need to defeat next time should be the amount of troops left remaining. Right now I'm at a point where I have hundreds of troops but they can't defeat the enemy because of the troop limit and I can't buy it since I have no room to build the resources necessary to buy it, +I can't get that room without the expansion gotten from beating them.


There's a possible exploit here, depending on how this is implemented. If the same holds true for surrendering, I can enter any battle and use my archers to lower the enemy numbers, surrender, then return to the battle again, etc. Repeat till the enemy's gone and you've lost no units whatsoever.

Let's say it only works if your armies have been fully defeated/killed --- there's still a minor exploit here, where you go in a battle with 1, 2, or 3 squads. You defeat most of the enemy but you also let your squads be defeated. You enter with a new army and voila, ensured victory at the cost of 1, 2, or 3 squads (for the newer players this may seem like a lot of casualties, but trust me when you get to a certain point in the game you'll be happy to just solve an encounter no matter how many units you lose).

If this was to be implemented in any way, it would need a lot of restrictions and complications to make it work. I think it's not worth it, I'd rather just have something else changed in that regard (either lower the number of enemies per encounter, change the formula of how damage is applied, etc.).


I see your concern ThaPhantom, but I lose manually 2/3 squads to an army of archers. I can't even think of what it would have been against mortars so I give it a +1.