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Not an error Encounter solved dialog, does not present game continuity.


After successfully negotiating an encounter, we are greeted with a message thanking us for the trade.

Having battled for a sector, we are greeted with the same message, which reads;

"Splendid, Wee-Lamm!

This is deeply appreciated. Now, take this Relic and bring it to your Main Hall.
I'm sure it's magic powers can help you in your cause."

While this seems appropriate for having done them the favor of giving up our hard earned resources to purchase a Relic, I think they would be less grateful for having slain their army in order to abscond with the Relic. Perhaps adjusting the first phrase after the title, to reflect we have won with might instead of wealth, would be more fitting.

"This is deeply appreciated."

to something like;
"Very well then..."

would make the difference, I think. :)
Thanks for your report. This is not a bug, but intended: you are helping the people in that province to get rid of e.g. bandits and thieves, so when you are done doing that they are grateful. As such, this won't be changed, as it's not an error. :)