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Not a Bug Empty and missing NH chests


Game version: v1.62-(732d7d536)-(master) (2018-08-17 16:11)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Chrome Version 68.0.3440.106 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Flash Player version: (64-bit)
Operating System: Windows 10 Enterprise (UK edition)
Screen resolution:2048 x 1152
Account name: Ritsel
Humans or Elves:Elves

Reproducibility: unknown

Current situation:
After giving NH I received the notification that a chest was found. I found the chest, clicked on it, but then nothing happened. No reward as far as I can tell.
Next chest went alright
Third chest is nowhere to be found (at least not after giving 30 times NH)

Expected situation:
That we receive 3 chests with rewards when given at least 30 times NH

Reproduction Steps:
1. Open Notifications
2. Click on neighbour who can receive NH
3. Give NH a notificiation that there is a chest to be found appears
4. Find chest, click on it, NO REWARD
5. Repeat 1-4
6 Find chest, click on it, collect reward
7. Repeat 1-3 at least 30 times, no 3rd chest to be found
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QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
looking at your logs, i can see you received 2 relics and 1 kp, all within a minute.

so marking this as not a bug. if others see similar issues with nh chests, please let us know


looking at your logs, i can see you received 2 relics and 1 kp, all within a minute.

so marking this as not a bug. if others see similar issues with nh chests, please let us know

Oke, but I didn't see the "reward" pop-ups for that. So there was no way to know for me that I received those.
The missing pop-ups would still be a bug I think