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Elven silk manufactory level 11 is the best


Since building space is the the most limited ressource in elvenar and the population cost for higher upgrades get more and more I wonder if space wise level 15 manufactories are really the best,
so I calculated the production per space for silk manufactories including the needed level 15 residences and the space the cultural buildings use for the level requirements.
And I discovered level 11 is the best level for (elven) silk manufactories space wise.

An example (from the first version without the space for culture calculated in, with high numbers, because there the prodution is close to even and the number of needed residences are close to natural numbers):

36 level 11 manufactories need 432 squares (36*12) and 48 residences (36*1,33) are needed for the required population = 432 squares (48*9) for a total of 864 squares (432+432) and they produce 9252 silk (36*257 standardproduction without boost taken from the wiki)

27 level 15 manufactories need 324 squares (27*12) and 64 (27*2,37) residences are needed for the required population = 576 squares (64*9) for a total of 900 squares (324+576) and they produce 9234 silk (27*342)

So if you don't need the extra coins and want to maximise ur good production space level 11 silk manufactories are the best. ;)

Best production per space ratios for elven manufactories: (edit 3: now with the space for culture)

Marble: 13, but 11 produces only 0,01% less per square
Steel: 11
Planks: 11
Silk: 11
Crystal: 10
Scrolls: 11
Scrolls(Human): 12, but 9 produces only 0,05%
Gems: 11
Elixir: 10
Dust: 11, but 10 produces only 0,02% less per square

If you have steel, scrolls and gem boost you are lucky and can produce the most goods possible :p

Edit 2:
I took it another step further and calculated in the space needed for culture for the requirement (I calculated with 70 culture per square(garden of harmony))
Silk lvl 11 vs 15 = 10,71 vs 10,26 production per square without culture calculated in, so level 11 produces 4,4% more goods per square.
Silk lvl 11 vs 15 = 9,03 vs 8,39 production per square with space needed for culture requirements calculated in, so level 11 produce 7,6% more goods per square.
Now I should have everything that consumes space included.
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Just calculated elven scrolls and crystal: For scrolls it's level 11 too, for crystal 10 and 11 are even.


The difference is rather small though. And if you need more silk it's still better to upgrade it to lvl 15 than to build an entirely new silk manufactory.


Yes, it's really small, but I think it's the only thing for me to do when i finished the techhtree: try to maximise my space for goods production and negotiate until the scouting costs get to high.
On the other hand with just the small difference even from level 7 to 15 it could be usefull for some to know that when sapce gets rare a level 3x3 level 7 manufactory is space wise almost as effective as a level 15 one, because you you need way less residence space for that.

Edit: And the production per space per culture for lower level buildings are much better:
0,0342 for level 11 and 0,0198 for level 15, so you also need way less culture.

Edit 2:
Best production per space ratios for elven manufactories:
Marble: 13 (12,77 per square)
Steel: 14 (13,48)
Planks: 13 (12,15)
Crystal: 10 and 11 (10,187 and 10,19)
Scrolls: 11 (11,34)
Silk: 11 (10,71)
Elixir: 11 (9,52)
Dust: 11 (10,03)
Gems: 11 (10,59)

So if you have steel, scrolls and gem boost you are lucky and can produce the most goods possible :p

Edit 3:
I took it another step further and calculated in the space needed for culture for the requirement (I calculated with 70 culture per square(garden of harmony))
Silk lvl 11 vs 15 = 10,71 vs 10,26 production per square without culture calculated in, so level 11 produces 4,4% more goods per square.
Silk lvl 11 vs 15 = 9,03 vs 8,39 production per square with space needed for culture requirements calculated in, so level 11 produce 7,6% more goods per square.
Now I should have everything that consumes space included :D
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Edited the first post with the correct Levels that include required space for citizen and culture:

Marble: 13, but 11 produces only 0,01% less per square and needs 23% less culture
Steel: 11
Planks: 11
Silk: 11
Crystal: 10
Scrolls: 11
Scrolls(Human): 12, but 9 produces only 0,05% less per square and needs 48% less culture
Gems: 11
Elixir: 10
Dust: 11, but 10 produces only 0,02% less per square and needs 11% less culture
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Nah it's no high math and very easy if you are used to exel or open office calc. ;)


it could be true, but I really appreciate you for the time you spend for realizing your usefull plans and for sharing them with all of us! ;)