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City double / triple / quadruple upgrades


simple idea

since there can be up to 5 builders why not allow 1 building being upgrades to heigher levels in one go?

what do i mean is lets say
i have 2 free builders,
my building is level 1
i have all the resources to upgrade it to level 3
so now i click the building and choose " double upgrade" this way building from level 1 will be upgraded to level 3 using 2 builders

now about upgrade time:

from level 1 to level 2 = upgrade is 2 hrs
from level 2 to level 3 = ugrade is 4 hrs
total standard upgrade time is 6 hrs

But when using "double upgrade" were getting 5% time reduction.
each another builder (3rd, 4th, 5th) gives another +2% time reduction
