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Discussion Release Notes version 1.0


Interesting update so far. And you forgot to mention the changes in notifications whenever a trade happened:


I like this. :)
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the chests are a smart marketing move to promote the magic academy : "here are some free spells, see for yourselves whether they help" :D
thanks a million for the notifications window, that was direly needed :)


Can anyone confirm if the 5% culture bonus from the new spells work of the base value of the building, or the buffed value?


Even with all the changes to the spell system, building an academy remains useless for most players. Still to big and spells are still too weak to justify.


Even with all the changes to the spell system, building an academy remains useless for most players. Still to big and spells are still too weak to justify.
So upgrade it a couple of times.


What's the maximum level of it? Is it already shown in the Wiki?


one negative point regarding this update :
chest can only be unlocked once the player has completed the required provinces AND chests lock the way to the following chapter;
they should be rewards and incentives, but not lock the progress of a player just because (s)he is not playing the exact way devs intended;
this is clearly another step in the wrong direction : when a quest is not declineable and requires that you research a technology, well, no problem, you will get there someday;
now why is the progress in the tech tree tied together with the completed provinces on the map ?
these are totally independent sides of the game, and whenever a player has not competed a given amount of provinces, why should this hinder his/her progress through the research tree ?


oh lol, sorry, i didn't realise Dias was meant diamonds. I thought for a minute it was meant to be days...lol


So upgrade it a couple of times.
I can't justify placing a 5x4 building in my city with such minimal benefits. I don't need more supplies, culture or goods. When more spells are added that aren't trash such as reduced scouting time, a second scout spell or a temporary expansion spot for rearranging cities, I might consider it. Until then, those who have one built will be behind those who do not. Especially seeing as it cannot be demolished.


I like the new notifications. I like the gifts that were given retroactively. Excellent step forward

Requiring diamonds to upgrade the magic academy.....biggest step back in the game so far. Up until now, you could progress....albeit very slowly if you played for free. That kept a lot of players here at least so that there is a community. Now, if the game is going to be pay only, that shrinks dramatically the pool of people who will continue to play this game.

Not cool.


I was considering building that Academy till I saw that you can only upgrade it one time before you need diamonds to continue. This made me drop my idea right away again, sorry.