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Discussion InnoGames TV - April Episode

Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to share your feedback on the April Episode of InnoGames TV. We're looking forward to your responses!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Interesting idea. I'm still unclear what we get from all these extra battles. Relics... but I thought they suggested there were other rewards. It was very vague. Is there a wiki on this yet?


Look at this episode once more... At some point there is visible reward screen. On it was 3 things. What was it? Look and you will know.


Yes, that was where the voice-over suggested there were more rewards, which would be greater. And which were not pictured. So my question stands, unanswered.


@Bobbykitty I suppose they are doing this especially because of that! This is their solution to remove oldest and most experienced players, but also most deserted. How? On my world people hitting undeclinable quest with building Magic Academy and hearing about Tournament are leaving game. Yesterday on live server my fellowship lost 3 players with overall ranking points over 200k. Today few minutes ago we lost Archmage. Another few announced their leaving. I know from other fellowships on my server this is becoming common reaction on changes. I can only applaud their courage. Digging grave for own project with arrogant decisions :) Most of managers would be "leaving something" in pants from fear :D


I am going to post two photos of something I posted way back in October of 2015. It won't make sense because it is out of context, but please expand the quote so you can see the images. Suffice it to say, nothing has changed between those two players and their world maps. From back in October. And that is only when I posted this. Who knows how long the issue has been going on. I am thrilled to see the tournaments, really I am, but these issues really need addressing. We need neighbors.

In fact, from January 2015, we all have said over and over that if you don't fix the neighborhood situation now, people won't be able to do the things they need to do in this game. We predicted people would give up and leave, and they have. If the most basic aspect of the building blocks of the necessities of this game aren't working, the game isn't working well. Now, we are putting more girders and concrete on top of the floors that are sitting on top of the crumbling foundation. Shouldn't we fix the foundation?

Today, the issue I was writing about then has only been magnified. Some players are awash in neighbors and thriving and others are gasping for water in the vast vast desert. That isn't fair. No one likes to play a game that isn't fair. That is why it is so important to fix this or the unfairness will only get bigger with the tournaments.

There is adapting to environmental conditions and then there is simply trying to survive. If you have a level 15 main hall you get 13,200 coins a day per each player visited. When you scout it costs a lot of investment, but what you get in return are more neighbors discovered and a chance to make 13,200 coins off of each one of them every day. Some players have scouted 200 provinces and their world map looks like this with this many opportunities to make 13,200:


Others, such as Spinster, have a neighborhood that looks like this:


As I stated earlier....it isn't just "adapting", one of these players lives in a thriving metropolis, the other is lucky to see a mirage. Poor Spinster! That neighborhood is so sad!! If we can donate KP to each other, I think we should be able to donate coins and supplies! (Passing the hat around for Spinster).


I'm scouting provinces that take three days to reach, and I have nine (9) neighbours that appear to be active. Only five of them ever reciprocate aid. So I'll have the tournaments pretty much to myself. Yahoo o_O

(Thekandor dear, that's a woebegone "yahoo" because I'm trying to keep my spirits up despite the wasteland my city's in. If you look at the threads from last year about the need to relocate active players you'll see me posting there.)


At least you will always be number one in your area Minki ^^


@Mink I know your feelings, because I am also deserted. In my range is 13 players. 5 are active and only 3 from them are giving me motivation in return. In same situation is a lot of players on each world. I already, because of changes, announced in my fellowships leaving. At this moment I giveaway resources to them. On my main live server announced, that I research all faeries tech and then leave game. I remember that after arrogant changes in this game many players I knew were leaving this game. On live I have 9/30 faeries techs currently, so in less than 2 months I will join them. As said @Bobbykitty, building on a damaged foundations will end with collapse.


You misunderstood him @Mink :) He is leaving InnoTv, not a game itself. But I understand him. After changes I haven't to be recognized as face of this game. Now you understand why he is so happy? :D This time for real. From now on he is not forced to be smiling, when telling about incoming changes. Moreover... He is not forced to telling about anything connected to game :D


The amount is just righ. Big rewards will ruin the game. Moreover there are players that don't like to fight too much and it would be unfair disadvantage for them.

Neighbours are the problem here.


It will be much better if we could compete fellowship vs fellowship, instead this neighbour thing.


@Sakki But this will end as always win by top fellowships. 1st fellowship on my server is having above 2.1kk, when 10th, slightly above 1.3kk. It will be hard to outrun them by smaller fellowships.


Well, yes, but the truth is: nothing can harden a friendship like a common enemy :)