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Differing rules for "ideas and suggestions"

Bor de Wolf 1965

Well-Known Member
I certainly got the impression they'd happily stamp TH;DT (too hard;didn't try) on most suggestions.
Isn't that to much work?
A simple solution would be demand the CA's can only put in some improvement suggestions on paper and trough a special mailbox hole in a wall.
Unfortunately the concierge has put the company shredder just on the other side of that same wall.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't that amount to some accountability? I'm not sure inno is really prepared to allow themselves to be accountable for their decisions (or lack thereof). I certainly got the impression they'd happily stamp TH;DT (too hard;didn't try) on most suggestions.
How does this create any accountability whatsoever?
"These are the 3 ideas that we emailed to the developers"
cannot possibly be interpreted as any sort of binding contract or promise in any way by any sane person.


How does this create any accountability whatsoever?
"These are the 3 ideas that we emailed to the developers"
cannot possibly be interpreted as any sort of binding contract or promise in any way by any sane person.
Look at the current situation. If they'd sent out a notice informing us they'd forwarded the suggestion to devs they can't really deny even knowing about the suggestion down the track.
I'm not saying it's not a good idea, I'm simply mistrustful of Inno's intentions here.