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Duplicate Delicatessen Butcher depth sorting the second


Enter for example in the city of the player Lightfoot.
From there the former screenshot was taken, and also the new one.


Game version: v1.4-1787359-(staging) (2016-04-13 10:33)
Game world: Beta 1
Browser + version: Google Chrome 49.0.2623.112 m
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Extranjero
Humans or Elves: Human
Reproducibility: 5/5
Quest title: -
Current situation: Delicatessen Butcher depth sorting isn't ok.
Expected situation: Delicatessen Butcher depth sorting should be ok.
Reproduction Steps:
- register an account in Inno-Games
- play Elvenar for some months
- create preconditions for scenarios described above (enter in the city of the player Lightfoot)
- watch and notice


Already replied to your other thread that I can see the only half way showing building there too. I guess this bug is account related.