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Not a Bug Crystal LH and MM don't show on cliffs


Well-Known Member
EDIT: Solved
"Dony: what is your graphic settings in town? on low it doesnt show wonders on cliff"

__ (v1.14.6-(119199a) (2016-09-21 11:00)
Game world: __Wyn
Browser + version: __Version 53.0.2785.143 m
Flash Player version: __latest
Operating System: __win10
Screen resolution: __1980*1080
Account name: __soggyshorts
Humans or Elves: __elf

Reproducibility: _5/5

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
__can't see LH or MM feature on cliffs
__visitors can see

Expected situation:
__I should be able to see

Reproduction Steps
__Log in, can't see
2. __
3. __
4. __
5. __

Screenshots of the bug:
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