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Battle Crafting Troop aids


Crafting for combat increases for light ranged and mages is all well and good. What about creating the same for Heavy Ranged and Light and Heavy Melee troops? Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
I'm already afraid to "ask for candies". Candies come together with a kick in the groins, how very funny someone said in another thread. :D


Well-Known Member
With random enemies every tournament, those are now much less useful than they were(another groin kick;) )

Perhaps a change to
1. + defence
2. + offence
3. + initiative
4. + health (already exists)

Or, as you say, make one for each troop type, but make 'em cheaper


Well-Known Member
I'm worried about Soggy getting us all groin kicks since this last came up!

Marindor mentioned in his post today that they are working on a way to have certain unit types needing to be favoured more heavily in certain tournaments so that those temp military buildings will still be effective.


Well-Known Member
We currently have no plans to make any changes in this area. I'll archive this thread now.