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Duplicate Complete filling Flying Academie level 1 (Rank 1) gives wrong reward


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.31-(a1b1a2b11) (2017-05-22 7:46)
Game world: beta1

Browser + version: Chrome Version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit)
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10 64 bit
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Brummbaer

Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 1/5 = happens once
Quest title: none

Current situation: Complete filling Flying Academie level 1 (Rank 1) the displayed reward was 5 KP’s and no rune shard

Expected situation:
Get correct reward 5 KP’s and the corresponding rune shard

Reproduction Steps:

complete flying academy level 1 with rank 1
get reward
mention wrong reward (rune shard missing)
start bug report

Players name is available if needed


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
you werent filling your own wonder right? if you do you get a popup at the moment saying you got 5kp while you shouldnt have gotten any reward, thats another confirmed bug.

Did you really n ot get the runeshard, or did you get a popup with a ? as a reward?


Well-Known Member
Hello Kersepitje,
the Pop-Up shows only "5 Books" and no rune shard symbol.
Sorry, but I was too fast to click - no screenshot
(No - it was not my own wonder ;)) or is there a change that you get a rune shard if you are one of the most investing players?


Well-Known Member
i have same bug(but with other AW)... in reward window there was no rune, but in the end i get it ....there was just no information about it


Hello Kersepitje,
the Pop-Up shows only "5 Books" and no rune shard symbol.
Sorry, but I was too fast to click - no screenshot
(No - it was not my own wonder ;)) or is there a change that you get a rune shard if you are one of the most investing players?

no, but there is/was a bug, that participating in your own wonder nets you 5 KP.


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Hey Brummbaer, ill give you an update. I'm pretty confident this is the same bug as https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/inde...d-when-completing-my-own-ancient-wonder.8158/

however we're not 100% sure. So we are waiting till that one gets fixed, and if this is still happening when it is, then ill confirm this one.

As MalpA mentioned, you actually did get your rune if you were entitled to it (this is done serverside anyway), you are just getting the wrong popup.