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Duplicate [Communication] Simplified communication for all


Hello everyone
A small detail that simplify the lives of all I think.
And especially the communication between members of the different countries that play on beta
This could be achieved that the text on the mail of the game that connects our members and neighbors / friends is accessible to the " copy - paste" so that we can for example each communicate in their language and do a Google translation.
this could be extended to chat
Thank you all for your votes in favor of this small change that will simplify communication between us all .
♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Zabou


Copy / paste has already been discussed. It was 10 months ago.


yes, but all we have for the moment is a lousy workaround and this game deserves a better solution ;)


It's true. We made suggestions, what else can we do ? I think we did our part.