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Duplicate Collection icons

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Well-Known Member
Can we please, please, please...get the five minute reminder icons to collect coins stopped from appearing?
I don't mind a 15 min reminder if there has to be one at all...but 5 mins is far too intrusive when I'm trying to rearrange my city and these really annoying things keep popping up.

I have no understanding as to why we have to be reminded to collect coins within a five minute interval at all?
Surely, I'm not the only one that finds this really irritating?


Im on a fence about this. Sometimes i use it others its a pain.

Think if they added a toggle to turn it on/off would work.


Well-Known Member
Firstly...Thank you for the reply my friend...
...and to have a "turn off" option would solve the problem for those that like things as they are...and an option for me not to get crazy each time those darned icons appear.:))

That would solve the problem for everyone.:)


Because indeed more people find this irritating, there is already an earlier thread about this topic here (click). Four options, including a option to turn the coin icons off, are mentioned in this thread and have already been forwarded. Please post your support of one or multiple options in the referred thread. I'll close this thread as a duplicate. :)
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