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City Collection Cycles


I'm going to sneak up on this one, because I gotta be overlooking something obvious.

WHY do we have to click, or drag, to collect coins, supplies, and goods?

Presumably we'll never have to worry about plundering, so why shouldn't everything be just like the barracks? The coins, supplies, goods, and trained troops are delivered, and the building goes to Zzzzzzz.

We can eliminate an ENTIRE CYCLE of clicking and/or dragging.


This would probably work with goods but not coins and supplies as both of these are limited by your main hall while goods or soldiers don't have that. I don't wanna loose both because the limit has been reached over night while I'm asleep. That's why I prefurr picking them up by myself.


lots of sidequests work on the basis of collecting something and getting something therefore.
and btw a central point for browsergames is to collect clicks ;)


Yes, I believe that Katzenprinz's solution is the best one at the moment, for me obviously :)


Drialik you are very right and that is a point to speak about:
Is this game mostly a clickingmarathon?
I would say yes (and that is the reason, why I play it on my tablet - I prefer to get hard skin on the top of my trigger finger, not to shredder one mouse after the other).
What is missing?:
something to think about longer, to find ways to solve it.
The battles are the only part to do this. But they get to often in a challenge not to solve and therefore to negotiate.
What I mean: After long tests I don't have anymore trust, that EVERY battle could be won (but of course you can wait with battles, till you finished the researchtree and have a really big armee than. I did that from ca. 2/3 the way of the researchtree on - left my battles waiting for me and if I try now one of them, it is sort of easy walkthrough. But that is not that what the devs supposed us to do, isn't it?)


You actually destroy your tablet screen which costs more than a mouse.


Well-Known Member
I think it's necessary to keep the "click" so we can not only have something to do when collecting goods and coins...but can keep a check on the amounts we are accumulating on a regular basis.
However I would like to see a change to the frequency of coin collecting. I think the current 5 minutes with residential buildings is way too much... and I get a bit fed up seeing the icons floating above my houses all the time.
I think an hour should be the minimum time before the reminder to collect shows up...or at least 30 mins.
Not only is it a distraction when trying to move my city around...but it's also unnecessary to show up so frequently.
This is a major annoyance for me as there is no need for a constant 5 minute reminder.


The suggestion to change something about the coin icons, is discussed in this thread (click). In post #17, several options are mentioned. All options are forwarded, with the comment that option 3 and 4 seem to be supported the most. Please check the thread to see which option you'd like, or add your own ideas to that thread. :)


@Katwijk :WHY do we have to click, or drag, to collect coins, supplies, and goods?

If there is anything you have, you should take care of it ... some click is minimum ;)


why do we have to click ?
well we could get rid of the clicking, and let the game play itself, wouldn't that be wonderful ?
just register, verify that you city is active, and then just login once a day to check that everything has been properly collected;
and why not having KPs automatically added to the research tree, and battles fought automatically ? cherry on the cake, isn't it indeed ? :D

from my POV, a game is meant to be played by players
so let's play
it is in the nature of browser games to be some kind of clickodrome anyhow ;)
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:D yes :D
and freee store capacity for all and when I am planing at morning of monday what I want to build ... in sunday I can go to check if it be everythin correct :D
... and the best ... in ranking I must be in top 50 :D
Its a Game !!!! :D


Well-Known Member
The comments and annoyance at the coin collecting icons has been going on since January. Since we are now almost at the end of May...There doesn't seem a lot of point adding to that thread because it seems to have been ignored completely.
I know the devs are busy with so many complaints and bugs etc...but taking 5 months to remove an annoying icon doesn't appear to be that difficult a task to me.
It may seem a very small and insignificant complaint...but playing the game every day and having the coin collecting icons appearing every 5 minutes becomes really annoying over time, and looking at the thread of complaints...I'm not alone in this.


I wrote too ... why coins every 5mins ... but collectin is a part of every builder or builder strategy games. What do you wants? At morning wake up and think " game I wanna be a good" ... and game does it :D:D:D:D
It called "Djinn" or "Genie" :D not online game ...


@ophion you are not alone with your wish - we are two of us :)

It doesn't matter for collecting, if the coins are a bit smaller, perhaps possibility to choose if one like them to see and IMHO 5 minutes are a very short sequence.


Well-Known Member
I don't ask that we should not continue clicking for collection...Just that it isn't at 5 minute intervals.
I can see no reason whatsoever that anyone would need to have a 5 minute reminder...and after awhile the icons become very tedious and annoying.


You are right: the complaints about the coin icons have been there for months now, and because the developers haven't implemented any of the forwarded solutions for this problem, it looks like the thread has been ignored. However, because the idea is forwarded, the developers would see every reply in the thread. This makes it useful to give your opinion in the thread, even if it's five months old. That an idea is forwarded, is no guarantee for it to be implemented, but your replies would make sure that the developers know that this issue should be prioritised according to the players. We really appreciate all the feedback, so please keep sharing your ideas, suggestions and experiences. ;)

The idea about changing the coin icons is indeed only about the icon and not about the clicking. Therefore, let's go to the other thread to discuss the coin icon and only discuss the 'click to collect coins/supplies/goods' in this thread. :)


Right now, for example,
  • if I click on a Coins, Supply, or Goods building that has a "full" icon,
  • I have to click AGAIN if I want to start a new cycle.
I'm just trying to eliminate the need for the double click. You'd still be able to swipe, or close the cycle popup, if you were fine tuning your progress or some such, and wanted to know exactly how much stuff was available.
  • The user clicked (rather than swiped )
  • Empty out the building
  • Offer the user a cycle popup
It's a pretty trivial coding change, and I don't see any downside.