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Not a Bug Collect coins and resources


I do not know if you noticed or maybe not a bug, but if you hold the type for example take the coins in a residence if you move the cursor without releasing the left mouse button on other structures makes you gather resources or where coins move the cursor without clicking every time on every frame that ended production.


To collect coins/supplies of houses/workshops in your city, there is no need to do it one by one ... You can click on a house or workshop ready to be collected, keep the mouse-button pressed and move your mouse with pressed mouse-button over all other houses/workshops which are ready to be collected.

It's not new and Khebeln refers to it in his tips and tricks guide (click) :D

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Hi Rokker and welcome to the forum :)

Acamax is correct, this is not a bug, but rather a game feature, and a useful one I think. That you cannot 'sweep collect' as it is sometimes called starting from the Main Hall is a bug though, as you can see here (click).