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Not a Bug Can't sell level 25 BaraCks


Well-Known Member
Game version: __ v1.21.4-(3ec611a) (2017-01-09 13:01)
Game world: __beta
Browser + version: __firefox 50.0
Flash Player version: __22.0.0.209
Operating System: __Win 7
Screen resolution: __
Account name: __MalpA
Humans or Elves: __Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5

Current situation:

Is it normal that When i try to sell baraCks lvl 25 im just not able to do this? I just want to check how many ranking points barracks giving, and found this, in my opinion bug.
Expected situation:

I should be able to sell barracks


The Barracks has never been sellable. Many of us wants to get rid of it but unfortunately it is impossible to sell after you build it. It's no bug.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm so why few pathes ago i was able to pres "$" on it to check how many population it consuming and how many points it giving... now its imposible. Same story with trader... about 3 weeks ago i was able to dothis, now i cant.


The Magic Academy, once build, is exactly the same. There are some buildings, like the main hall too, which are mandatory and cannot be sold again.


Well-Known Member
Soo we have 3 military buldings ... why just one is unsellable? it should be all or none...dumb game


I think better question is why all queue goes to barracks?

Training grounds where no training is going on.