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Not a Bug Cannot surrender


I saw this as a fixed issue, but it is not fixed. Or something has changed. I am unable to surrender in a battle until it is my turn. It used to be that the second you saw you were in trouble you could surrender and the bad guys would stop doing damage immediately. Now, I cannot surrender until they have finished all of their moves which can cost me many many troops.

I am playing on google Chrome as an elf
v1.0.5-(85580ea) (2016-02-22 13:53)
on Windows 10 on a lenovo laptop with 8 mg of ram version of adobe

Reproducibility: 5/5

What happens: Cannot surrender until it is my turn to act

What I expect to happen: I should be able to surrender at any time during a battle
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This has never been possible, and works as intended. You can only surrender a fight during your own turn(s).