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Cannot reproduce Cannot start a combat


Game version: __ v1.0.5-(85580ea) (2016-02-22 13:53)
Game world: __Beta
Browser + version: __Opera 34.0.2036.50
Flash Player version: __20,0,0,306
Operating System: __Windows 7
Screen resolution: __1880x1650
Account name: __Wolphy
Humans or Elves: __Elves
Reproducibility: 5/5
Current situation:
When I try to start a combat, game hangs. I have to resfresh. I cannot start combat whether I enter it from the map or I use "continue combat" option after refreshing the game.
Expected situation:
Fight window opens and I can complete my combat.
Reproduction Steps
1. __ Choose a province
2. __Pick troops
3. __Press "Fight" button
4. __Game hangs. Refresh game.
5. __Click "Continue combat" on city screen. Game hangs.