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Not a Bug Building "stuck" in upgrade process


I don't know if this is a issue, a bug or a weird event but I think is right to report it.
I visited a neighbour of mine and tried to give him the neighbourly help but a strange thing is happening: his main hall is stuck in upgrading process between level 5 and level 6 and this is happening for at least one month (I don't remember the first time I saw this), I can push the neighbourly help button that becomes gray after clicking (as usual) but after this nothing else happens so I cannot give help.
The player's name is "made in ussr"


The problem is, that guy left while constructing his main hall. Now its building but cannot be finished till he returns. (I've seen this issue at many small cities in my neighborhood). Since it doesn't look like he's going to any time soon and there are no other buildings which you can use for neighborly help, I'm afraid you cannot help him at all and better just ignore him till he's been deleted from the map.


Thank you Katzenprinz, anyway this is not a problem for me, I just thought it was right to report it


Dear Old Owl, I've the same problem with two of my neighbours: their Main Hall is upgranding since many weeks but during this time, they've not done a login, so I cannot help in anyway...and I loose money :(
The upgrading process of a building is finished when the player logs in, indeed. This is intended behaviour and not a bug. :)

Also changed the thread's title to reflect the described behaviour.