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Well-Known Member
I am an Alberta gal, and I am guessing that y'all have NO clue what BS stands for in my neck of the woods. I suspect that folks are using this (based on context) as an alternate abbreviation for FellowShip, yes?

I feel obliged to point out my confusion over why folks might be referring to the pungent byproduct released from the nether regions of a bull :oops: or alternatively the sort of drivel that falls out of the mouths of the idiots, fools and departing Presidents :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Lelanya, this seems pretty bold assumption. ;-) Far more probable explanation is that the original poster isn’t English speaker and in their language the fellowship’s natural abbreviation is BS. It just gets so automated by daily usage, that they write it in an English post without realizing the English abbreviation is actually FS.


Well-Known Member
Lelanya, this seems pretty bold assumption. ;-) Far more probable explanation is that the original poster isn’t English speaker and in their language the fellowship’s natural abbreviation is BS. It just gets so automated by daily usage, that they write it in an English post without realizing the English abbreviation is actually FS.
Which is exactly the right assumption
@Lelanya I don't understand why it is that we have to fall over quit obvious typo's / textual mistakes that are made in almost every post overhere. Here are people gathering from all over the world. A lot of them are not native English speaking and we are all trying to have a meaningfull conversation. You might ask next time for an explanation if something in a text strikes you as odd. Thank you.

edit: BS is actually short for BroederSchap like in FellowShip


Well-Known Member
Yeah, so long as you have context then you can figure it out. After all, how many people say guild... and that's never even been an Elvenar word. We know what they're getting at though. I see all sorts of different words for expansions which are some form of translation or another.


Well-Known Member
Joining FieryArien, Marjade, Aeva and Pauly7 in this.
We are not all native English speakers and writers and we all do our best to express ourselves about the game nevertheless.

Lelanya If you read 'BS' as a reference to the product of a bull and / or your President, that's solely up to you.