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Cannot reproduce Broken Quest: "Superior Workshops"


Game version: __0.15.13364-d34d73e-(master) (2015-04-28 9:23)
Game world: Beta1
Browser + version: Safari 7.1.5
Flash Player version:
Operating System: OSX
Screen resolution: __
Account name: Hotrenor Taak
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
The Quest does not finish.
Expected situation:
After building 5 workshops from Level 7 to Level 8 i expected to end the Quest. 5 Workshops are more then 2. They all did not count. Level Up was every time in offline mode !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reproduction Steps
Build Workshop Level 7 to 8
2.Build Workshop Level 7 to 8 __
3. Build Workshop Level 7 to 8
4. Build Workshop Level 7 to 8
5. Build Workshop Level 7 to 8
6. Quest still on count 0

Screenshots of the bug:
(add as many screenshots as you need)

I don't have Time to be online in the moment when they finish.


Thank you for reporting this to us, Hotrenor. We will investigate the matter, the information you have provided should be sufficient for locating the issue.


As for now none of the quests, where we should build something can be completed if we are offline while construction is finished. I have also experienced it several times with quests like: Improved production (Upgrade 1 Boosted manufactory that is at least lvl 5), Noble Residences (Upgrade 1 Residence that is at least lvl 5), Striving for Improvement (Upgrade 2 buildings that are at least lvl 5). Quests are completed only if I am online.