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Cannot reproduce Broken Combat Attack Order and Unit Display


Game version: 0.18.13915-409de16-(master) (2015-06-08 17:22)
Game world: __Beta1
Browser + version: __IE11 .00.9600.17801 / Chrome 43.0.2357.81 dev-m / Firefox 40.0a2 (2015-06-09)
Flash Player version: __18.0.0.160
Operating System: __Win7 Ultimate SP1
Screen resolution: __1980x1020
Account name: __Chimere79
Humans or Elves: __Humans

Reproducibility: __5/5

Current situation:
__ latest at the second round of combat unit Display is completely broken - non existent Units are shown - ist my turn an enemy Units are shown active

Expected situation:
__all shown correct

Reproduction Steps
__start longer fight
2. __fight until Display breaks - 90% in round 2
3. See Screeshot 2 Cerberus Units displayed only one existent /2 232 Orc Squads displayed



Thank you for reporting this to us. We will investigate the issue. If possible, can you let us know which combat quality settings you're using (you can see this in the game settings --- when you have the game open, click the gear icon in the bottom right corner, select the smaller gear icon and then you'll be able to select battle combat quality)?


also for me a similar bug... but I haven't a screenshot :(
if it repeats the bug, I'll do
[I have high quality in the combat]


I have HQ Settings - but trried LQ too and was the same on different PCs.


I have the same or something better. Sometimes the round number is shown on top of all units except the active one.
We tested it and have not been able to reproduce it so far. Do you have any more specific information, especially accurate reproduction steps?
When new information is offered, we will continue our investigation. For now, we will archive this as 'cannot reproduce'.