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Poll Brainstorming Collection #1 - Events

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Well-Known Member
I had this idea before to improve the quest line by marrying with the FA continuous collection. I would still love to see this as it would make the league system much more exciting and rewarding. As from the first day it would be possible to get more daily buildings.

The idea would be to upgrade the event quests as a multiple daily quest lines similarly to the fellowship badges with a possible 3 daily cap per badge for free and with diamond restart. It could use the same mechanic with progressively harder quests with a little bit more EC. I attach some examples. Especially, since the badge collection will be continuous soon. This would encourage competition in the league system but would be still possible to collect dailies and a full set even to smaller cities. Not to mention the royal pass would worth much more.

View attachment 9918View attachment 9919View attachment 9920

I would rework some of the quests, so it could be different from a fellowship adventure with more themed challenges to the events. I believe it would bringa lot of positives and aid current problems.

I would advise to limit the base options to 2 max and use some tomes other base options and artifacts for other options for those who would reach the 3rd base. So those who want more could still race for the league, but wouldn't result in 5 bases like with the mermaid unlimited quest line.

I think it would be super easy to implement. Especially with the current improvements. I'm curious what you guys think. :)


New Member
my new event idea:

We all have the same problem: not enough playing space to set up all the event buildings.

Why don't we do an event that serves to upgrade an existing building?

Example: We have several buildings dedicated to birds. Why doesn't a bird nest in the attic of an existing building? Each player has a main building, houses, workshops or BG1 buildings that can be upgraded.
  1. Guests: Vikings! Odin and his lot coming to visit our Elvarians, causing trouble all over the place. Would be funny.
  2. More guests: Ents! You know, those tree creatures that live in Tolkiens stories! :) Edit by Vaeri: Copyright wouldn't allow us to!
  3. Theme: I would love to see a steampunk themed event.
  4. Characters: the ghosts that live in the Spire, will they ever come down and visit our city and create chaos? Still waiting for their poems and stuff.. And who are they anyway? How did they end up in that Spire?
  5. Talking about the Spire: after some years it is becoming a dread to see the same staircases and ghosts, saying the same lines each week. I would like to get surprised there!

Did anyone say "storm in brains"? :p
#2 Instead of Copywrit-protected Creatures, maybe Treants Race(From Barracks)??
#5 Maybe a "Secret" Door to a Different Path.. Possibly Discovered at some Point along the Existing Hallways??


Well-Known Member
I would like a fellowship challenge…
where the whole fellowship build a new city between them … the winning fellowship would be the ones to get the highest ranking “ Joint New City“ within a set time scale… a month ?

maybe using assets from their current inventories …
My wish ....
An event building - like the polar bear
Reducing the waiting time in the spire
Oh Yeah! Make it Either an Evolve, or Increase Percentage of Time Reduction by Lev it is Upgraded .... Could make it Look like a Mini-version or something Similar to what the Spire looks like.. Or even make it follow the Theme of the Event Buildings The Spire Building is Awarded in { for example if it were Awarded in the Zodiac Event, make it a Spire-ish Looking building with a Zodiac Sign(s) on it; or if Awarded in Winter Event, maybe an Ice/Icy Mini-Spire] Or similarly :}

Egwene al Vere

Well-Known Member
Another idea for an event: a raid on your neighbour's cities: This doesnt have to be a long event. It could be a short event say for a few hours (a weekend preferably) where you have a chance to attack your neighbour and gain resources. The fun side would be choosing the right neighbour to raid, and you only have the one chance. You cant go raiding another city when you discover the first one is an inactive city. you wont have that option. .It will be based on luck but it will be fun. The top 100 cities that scored the most during this event will then be the winner of perhaps a new building or 10% troops (the percentage will depend on the maximum amount of troops your barracks, mercenary camp and training grounds can train . This amount could even be similar to what we have to supply in an FA. If a building it could be something like a granary or bank to hold the stolen resources.. This is not the end of the event though. for a very short period say an hour the neighbour can try and get it back by breaking into the bank. This bank will be lit so it is visible but also shouldnt be too easy to find. The ultimate winner is then the city that ended up with the most resources or had the least losses in return.
I would like to see more interaction with buildings gained from events. For example: You get a Wizard Spell Shop which gives great population and culture... but that's it. Why not make the building more interactive to create unique spells. A unique spell would for example be, "Time Rewind", this will allow you to reverse a bit of time in your city to fix an accidental building deleted or wrong resources used. Perhaps you wish to downgrade a building - so you have a downgrade spell that you can make in a the Wizard Spell Shop. My favourite spell to make would be, "Copy Building", that would allow one to make an exact copy of any building in your city, excluding Ancient Wonders, at the current level.

There has been a previous post to explore dungeons on a weakly bases. This would be a great treat.

Give the Spire a makeover! Add new decor. Add a secret passage to find yourself either at a higher level or another part of the Spire that has never been seen before.

Moonstone Library could do with a revamp too. Make it more interactive, whereby you can actually see and read some of the books. The books will have the history of races, events and other useful information about Elvenar as well as myths and legends. You could also get players to write short stories that could be viewed in the library. The best stories get published in the Library and the author wins a diamond reward. Or perhaps you can see all the Tomes that are on offer in the game and you can hunt around your city for pieces of the missing tomes to get completed and gain the spell contained in the tome.

There is a great need for different locations to visit in Elvenar. Perhaps a magic forest or an old pyramid to explore for example. This will add many more happy hours to the game.

Events need a kick in the pants a bit. Some main event buildings are unfortunately not very interesting. By this I mean what resources they offer when they get to level 10. The designs of the buildings are always beautiful, but what it does could be improved.

Royal Restorations are always welcome - try to find more ways for players to gain them.

Blueprints are a major bonus - would like to see a non-expiring building that could produce them.

More PET FOOD please! My bears and phoenix are very-very hungry.

Would really like to see the game bring in more folk lore characters. Greek, Roman, Indian etc.

Thank you for allowing us to send ideas and suggestions!

HRH Princess Rose


Ex-Team Member
Thanks to everyone who submitted their ideas in the thread! We will now take the time to edit the start post of the thread to add the list of ideas.


Well-Known Member
How about reversing the natural order of things ? you get the event building at the start, but the catch is… you have to use it for a few of the quests, or most of the quests. And at the end of the event, it reverts back to stage 1, and you can evolve it again assuming you got enough artifacts.

Storyline: the elvenars have decided to lend you a new invention, and if you're worthy of it, you might keep it at the end.


Ex-Team Member
Here is a list of all ideas submitted (summarized):

IdeaAuthorLink to the post
Elvenar Funfair - Event Idea: By completing the event quests, you help building a funpark. When specific event quests got completed, you can build a new attraction which is granting you event currency.
Example quests are in context of building and running the funpark (e.g. Feed the workers, Sell tickets,...)
Elvenar Event - Player can uncover the history of the Elvenar. Questgivers are from past storyquests.
Event buildings suggested are any past building that grant tier 2 and sentient goods or the Moonstone Library Set, that could be part of the story to find out more about the Elvenar.
Egwene al Verehttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112197
Extending the Spire with a fourth floor to help small FS to achieve
enough points for the Gold Trophy.
Event that discovers the mystery of the Stone Statues found around the cliffs. Players get to know the builders and the reason why they build the statues to left them behind.Verdehttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112200
Adding features that allow you to spend more time in the game if you like.
1. Explore a dungeon in the mountains related to Dwarfs, fighting pirates on the coast, or look for treasure on the island behind the Spire.
2. 30-days-limited minigame that lets you win a big prize at the end (e.g. at a funfair, park, vegetable market or Christmas market).
Introducing how the weapons for troops are created (axes, bows, etc.),
including a building that boosts your troops by creating weapons and a forge/weapons master.
Add one more weekly quest and a daily login bonus for removing all
daily quests in Seasons. No "merge" minigames.
Events play on an island from where you have to complete the quests/productions. This reduces the possibility to prepare for the event to finish all quests in a few days. Events quests doesn't include tasks outside of the cities' possibilites. Event buildings can be upgraded to generate event currency.Heymrdiedierhttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112222
Steampunk-themed event.Earwen1https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112222
Event that explores the ghosts that live in the Spire, who may appear in the city and create chaos. May feature a new map for the Spire.Earwen1https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112222
Guests like Vikings (Odin) and Ents (Treants).Earwen1https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112222
Fellowship perk (Adventure Bank) that allows you to store badges from previous FA's for the next FA.Ergolas77https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112238
New event type that features two different paths to earn rewards.
Path 1 (Path of Strength) - Rewards focus on increasing military strength, new main building allows upgrades with different benefits, feed-able building to increase dmg/hp, vitality surges, potrait etc.)
Path 2 (Path of Knowledge) - Rewards focus on increasing knowledge, main building awards kp and magic items.
More details on the possible rewards for each/both paths in the post.
3-days-event where all players are put in chapter-specific groups (e.g. ch. 1-3 in one group) and compete against other groups in timed challenges (half hour). The group that has done most productions as possible (specified by the challenge) wins event currency. Players who were active in the last three days are eligible to participate. During the event short productions are possible.kkk3https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112244
Felloship event that allows you to earn rewards by making as many donations to one Fellowship Archive as possible.Prueba2https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112245
New event building like Polar Bear (Coins, Mana, Seeds, Portal Profits) that reduces the waiting time in Spire.King Luckybabyhttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112247
Make changes to reduce or remove rng involvement.Laurelin-Betahttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112295
Increase the Pet food availability with a new event building.Laurelin-Betahttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112295
New event building that grants the player Pet Food.PhoenixRose33https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112301
Themed upgrades of existing buildings (main hall, workshops, etc.) as event rewards to save space.Atlantisbetahttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/inde...-collection-1-events.18316/page-2#post-112317
Add a secret door in the Spire that allows players to discover a different path.Tahn Morningwoodhttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/inde...-collection-1-events.18316/page-2#post-112324
1-month-long FS vs FS challenge where two FS are competing in building a city between each other with existing assets from the inventory.HappyRosehttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112329
Event building in the style of a spire or event theme (with good effects like the Polar Bear plus the waiting time reduction for the Spire).Tahn Morningwoodhttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112324
Weekend-long event to raid one city in the neighbourhood of your choice in order to gain resources. Top 100 players (those who one most resources) receive a special building (e.g. a bank that holds the stolen resources) or 10% troops (the percentage will depend on the maximum amount of troops your barracks, mercenary camp and training grounds can train). For one hour players can gain the stolen resources back by stealing them back from the bank of the winning players. The ultimate winner is the one who gained most resources or least losses.Egwene al Verehttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112337
Make event buildings more interesting and interactive: 1. Wizard Spell Shop - Include an exclusive spell that rewinds the time in the city, allowing the player to fix mistakes like removing a building or using goods by mistake. 2. Moonstone Library - Include myths and legends to read, overview of tomes and the possibility to collect tome fragments.
3. Add rewards like Royal Restorations, Blueprints, and Petfood
HRH Princess Rosellahttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112360
Magic forest or old pyramid to explore for more play time.HRH Princess Rosellahttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112360
Improve the current event quest mechanism to make it similar to the FA badge collection. People can earn event currency almost the same way as badges.Moncsociuszhttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/inde...-collection-1-events.18316/page-2#post-112306
Out of voting: Event Idea - Elvenars lend you a new invention (event building) right at the start. If you're worthy enough/collected enough artifacts, you can evolve your building again when it changes to level 1 after the event.Ayvinulhttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112432

New sorted list (by popularity) here.
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Ex-Team Member
Dear Humans and Elves,
Thank you for sharing your ideas on Events in the first edition of the Brainstorming Collection under this thread!
We really appreciate that you took your time to submit ideas and help us improving Elvenar.

Now we start the second part of the Brainstorming Collection - the Voting!
You have 7 votes you can use on the ideas that are the best in your opinion.
We give away 3x 300 Diamonds among all users who have cast at least one vote!

Due to the number of submissions and the limitations of the thread, we would like you to vote by sending a reply in this thread!

How to vote:
Reply to this thread and add the numbers of your favourite ideas (e.g. 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, and 7).
Your votes are not visible to others than the moderator team!

Make sure to read the description of each idea before deciding. We also invite you to use the links in the table to have a look at the original post to catch all details of the ideas, since you can't see the votes of others and can't change your votes after submission.

The poll closes on January 30 at 3pm CET. We share the final results of the voting and the winners on January 31.
Then we will also share the decision of the moderator team about who earns the prize for the Best Concept: 1000 diamonds!

Depending on the popularity of each idea decided by the votes, we will sort the list of ideas that we will call Brainstorming Collection #1 - Events.
This collection will be a source of ideas for the team to create and improve events.

Of course, we will also reward the participants who submitted their ideas: Our moderator team will vote for the Best Concept shared.

Find the list of all ideas summarized here.

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team
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Ex-Team Member
Dear Elves and Humans,

we thank you very much for your votes so far!
The Poll closes on January 30 at 3pm CET, so we ask everyone again to participate in the voting if they haven't already.
We give away 3x 300 Diamonds among all users who have cast at least one vote!
You can vote by replying to this thread and listing the ideas from this list you liked the most (you can vote for 1 to 7 ideas, including your own idea).

We are looking forward to share with you the final list on January 31!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Ex-Team Member
Thank you for taking part in the voting! The thread is locked for now, but we will unlock it when:

1. When we sorted the list according to the votes.
2. When the winners of the 3 x 300 Diamonds have been drawn
3. When Beta moderators have decided which idea concept is the best.

Please look forward to the announcement!


Ex-Team Member
Dear Humans and Elves,

We're done and the list of ideas has been sorted by popularity!
This collection will be forwarded to everyone working on Elvenar in order to give them a source of ideas and inspiration to help them create and improve events in Elvenar. You find the final collection below. The old list is here.

Here is a list of all ideas submitted sorted by popularity:

IdeaAuthorLink to the post
Event that discovers the mystery of the Stone Statues found around the cliffs. Players get to know the builders and the reason why they build the statues to left them behind.Verdehttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112200
Extending the Spire with a fourth floor to help small FS to achieve
enough points for the Gold Trophy.
Adding features that allow you to spend more time in the game if you like.
1. Explore a dungeon in the mountains related to Dwarfs, fighting pirates on the coast, or look for treasure on the island behind the Spire.
2. 30-days-limited minigame that lets you win a big prize at the end (e.g. at a funfair, park, vegetable market or Christmas market).
Fellowship perk (Adventure Bank) that allows you to store badges from previous FA's for the next FA.Ergolas77https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112238
New event type that features two different paths to earn rewards.
Path 1 (Path of Strength) - Rewards focus on increasing military strength, new main building allows upgrades with different benefits, feed-able building to increase dmg/hp, vitality surges, potrait etc.)
Path 2 (Path of Knowledge) - Rewards focus on increasing knowledge, main building awards kp and magic items.
More details on the possible rewards for each/both paths in the post.
New event building like Polar Bear (Coins, Mana, Seeds, Portal Profits) that reduces the waiting time in Spire.King Luckybabyhttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112247
Elvenar Funfair - Event Idea: By completing the event quests, you help building a funpark. When specific event quests got completed, you can build a new attraction which is granting you event currency.
Example quests are in context of building and running the funpark (e.g. Feed the workers, Sell tickets,...)
Events play on an island from where you have to complete the quests/productions. This reduces the possibility to prepare for the event to finish all quests in a few days. Events quests doesn't include tasks outside of the cities' possibilites. Event buildings can be upgraded to generate event currency.Heymrdiedierhttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112222
Increase the Pet food availability with a new event building.Laurelin-Betahttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112295
Elvenar Event - Player can uncover the history of the Elvenar. Questgivers are from past storyquests.
Event buildings suggested are any past building that grant tier 2 and sentient goods or the Moonstone Library Set, that could be part of the story to find out more about the Elvenar.
Egwene al Verehttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112197
Introducing how the weapons for troops are created (axes, bows, etc.),
including a building that boosts your troops by creating weapons and a forge/weapons master.
Add a secret door in the Spire that allows players to discover a different path.Tahn Morningwoodhttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/inde...-collection-1-events.18316/page-2#post-112324
Magic forest or old pyramid to explore for more play time.HRH Princess Rosellahttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112360
Event that explores the ghosts that live in the Spire, who may appear in the city and create chaos. May feature a new map for the Spire.Earwen1https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112222
Guests like Vikings (Odin) and Ents (Treants).Earwen1https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112222
Make changes to reduce or remove rng involvement.Laurelin-Betahttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112295
Themed upgrades of existing buildings (main hall, workshops, etc.) as event rewards to save space.Atlantisbetahttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/inde...-collection-1-events.18316/page-2#post-112317
Event building in the style of a spire or event theme (with good effects like the Polar Bear plus the waiting time reduction for the Spire).Tahn Morningwoodhttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112324
Make event buildings more interesting and interactive: 1. Wizard Spell Shop - Include an exclusive spell that rewinds the time in the city, allowing the player to fix mistakes like removing a building or using goods by mistake. 2. Moonstone Library - Include myths and legends to read, overview of tomes and the possibility to collect tome fragments.
3. Add rewards like Royal Restorations, Blueprints, and Petfood
HRH Princess Rosellahttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112360
Steampunk-themed event.Earwen1https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112222
Add one more weekly quest and a daily login bonus for removing all
daily quests in Seasons. No merge minigames.
Improve the current event quest mechanism to make it similar to the FA badge collection. People can earn event currency almost the same way as badges.Moncsociuszhttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/inde...-collection-1-events.18316/page-2#post-112306
3-days-event where all players are put in chapter-specific groups (e.g. ch. 1-3 in one group) and compete against other groups in timed challenges (half hour). The group that has done most productions as possible (specified by the challenge) wins event currency. Players who were active in the last three days are eligible to participate. During the event short productions are possible.kkk3https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112244
Felloship event that allows you to earn rewards by making as many donations to one Fellowship Archive as possible.Prueba2https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112245
New event building that grants the player Pet Food.PhoenixRose33https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112301
1-month-long FS vs FS challenge where two FS are competing in building a city between each other with existing assets from the inventory.HappyRosehttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112329
Weekend-long event to raid one city in the neighbourhood of your choice in order to gain resources. Top 100 players (those who one most resources) receive a special building (e.g. a bank that holds the stolen resources) or 10% troops (the percentage will depend on the maximum amount of troops your barracks, mercenary camp and training grounds can train). For one hour players can gain the stolen resources back by stealing them back from the bank of the winning players. The ultimate winner is the one who gained most resources or least losses.Egwene al Verehttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112337
Event Idea - Elvenars lend you a new invention (event building) right at the start. If you're worthy enough/collected enough artifacts, you can evolve your building again when it changes to level 1 after the event.Ayvinulhttps://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/brainstorming-collection-1-events.18316/post-112432

Also, we have drawn the winners of 3x 300 Diamonds - we collected the names of all voters and picked three people randomly.
The winners are: @Moncsociusz, @JaneAiua & @pethoom! Congratulations!

And now we announce the winner of "Best Concept" that was decided by our moderators!
They decided that @Verde wins 1000 Diamonds for the idea to bring light to the Stone Statues around the cliffs. Congratulations!
The Beta Community also liked the idea very much!

We will contact and send all the diamonds to the winners today!

Lastly, we thank you very much for your participation in the Brainstorming Collection #1 - Events!
It was awesome that so many of you engaged with their concept and/or vote. This collection sure has shown that Elvenar Beta has a wonderful community full of great ideas.

Please let us know your feedback about this forum event in this discussion thread - would you like to see more Brainstorming Collections in the future? Do you have ideas for new topics? And do you have feedback on how to improve the Brainstorming process?

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team
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