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Not a Bug Blosom Mage


Well-Known Member
Game version: __ v1.16.7-635c42e
Game world: __beta
Browser + version: __mozilla
Flash Player version: __22.0.0.209
Operating System: __ win 7
Account name: __MalpA
Humans or Elves: __ elves

Reproducibility: __ 5/5 = happens always)

Current situation:
Movement speed of "Bloosem Mage" isn't incress in battle when we set the maximum speed of battle

Expected situation:

It should moving fastert
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Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
I have tested this extensively, and cannot so far confirm that the Blossom Mage speed does not increase in battle. So far it seems that there is a slight increase from minimum to medium and then to maximum speed, but due to the short range of movement, and comparatively fast initial speed (compared to Treant, which has the same range of movement, but on minimum speed moves considerably slower) I cannot conclusively say yet whether the speed does or does not increase.

I will continue testing, but has anyone else noticed the phenomenon reported by MalpA?


Well-Known Member
It's all about an animation of movement inbattle, imo its same on all 3 "Speeds" not matter which we chose. I do not check real time with stopwatch, but animation in extreamly slow. You give good example, Ents, they animation changing depends which speed we chose, and on blosom mage its all time the same.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
We've now checked this with our game designers and determined that this is not a bug. Since the increase in speed from slowest to medium to fastest is a percentage of the base speed rather than an absolute increase, and the base speed of the Blossom Mage is very fast, with a very short movement range, the increase in speed is almost imperceptible to the naked eye, but it is there. By comparison, the Treant, with the same movement range, has a much slower base speed, therefore it's easier to perceive the speed increase visually.