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Battlefield Terrain


I think something like this should not be allowed to happen:

Basically, my units should not be stuck and/or blocked at the very beginning of the battle. I propose that at least the bordering two hex columns are ALWAYS free for movement. This goes for both left and right side, as I've encountered some "stuck" enemies as well. That way I will be able to move all my units, even if it means they'll get stuck later on (that would be my own doing, not the game's).

I know there's a similar bug issue reported, but that one is more about "misplaced" barricades. I feel this is different, since it requests a prevention of units getting stuck on their very first round. The barricades are working just fine in this battle, it's their placement that is highly unfortunate.

ETA: Umm, might be Ideas and Suggestions is a better place for this. Sorry about that!
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Or have the ability to choose which unit to move first. That way you can make room for the block unit.