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Duplicate Barracks Displaying Incorrect Training Time

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Game version: __ v0.35.3-(c5f36cd) (2016-02-02 17:59)
Game world: __Beta
Browser + version: __Google Chrome (Updated)
Flash Player version: __Built into Chrome
Operating System: __Windows 10
Account name: __LordBrian
Humans or Elves: __Elf

Reproducibility: 5/5

Current situation:
Time showing for training is significantly lower than the expected training time

Expected situation:
Training time should equate to the total time of the different batches of troops being trained

Reproduction Steps
__Go to barracks
2. __Train more than 1 set of troops
3. __Training time does not equate to the time of all troops being trained

In addition when you hover over the individual troops being trained the words 'Training time' overlap with the actual time.

Finally the default training numbers repeats the previous slot rather than the maximum allowable if the previous number is allowable

Screenshots of the bug:


  • elv15.png
    255.6 KB · Views: 153
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same here and my training size has been reduced now i can only do 8 treants was 11


you should still be able to increase the number of units being trained but it defaults to the number of units of the previous batch trained, if this is lower than your normal maximum


Yes, training bar shows the number of the previous training; the total time displayed is the correct time for the first slot, and then only the time is added for one unit of each of the next slots.
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