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Discussion Autumn Zodiac

Deleted User - 56274


This is just insulting. Do you know who has very long scouting times? Those of us who are at the end of the tech tree. Do you know what we DON'T have? Technologies to research. BECAUSE we are at the end of the tech tree! We've ALREADY DONE all the research!

Might as well change that quest to:

I am VERY close to doing the latter...
I agree - If the intent of the scouting quest is to slow players down than having the alternative be produce a 1 day factory/workshop run is a viable alternative that has a set time limit.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for making superficial changes. Scout a province or research a tech still does absolutely nothing for end-stage players. And reducing the level of goods factories needed still does not help those who don't have them any more. So basically, you looked at the feedback and did something that doesn't solve the problem, but makes it look like you actually want to help the players. Nice one, but try harder. We need a solution, not hocus pocus.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member

Ok, now I'm confused. If my current chapter is Constructs, does that mean that I can use Constructs', Amuni's and Elementals' levels? (or even Halfings'?)
Devs should realy write a minimum level of the required building. It is checked anyway when harvesting created supplies, so it shouldn't be a problem to include it in the quest's message.

And of course, I'm not using any instatns for this quest, I'll wait and do this overnight - I need supplies - they have dangerously lowered by doing the long quests and my supply instant stock has been lowered by Spire guessing game also.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
Or maybe Inno will give us a magical buildings action just before the event (or on the first day), so we can all buy additional magical workshops instead of leveling them from scratc:hgrin:


Maybe another way to show the levels is to use the graphic icon for the chapter (like the event buildings do). Then it's a hover and not a click.
Then my current workshops would show chapter 3, 2 and 1 which is still a bit confusing because I'm in chapter 6.
Edit: saw the answer to my question.
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why unnecessarily complicate it, just use a number, as I suggested a few pages back


@ExplorerFfff if you're talking about the quest itself which I saw several people say, Chapter doesn't say what level the workshops are, most people would have to look that up. With an icon on the building like the event buildings, I know my chapter 3 workshops will work. My other 6 will not because I had to look it up that they were chapter 2 and 1 workshops.

As you're leveling the workshop and factories you would know exactly what chapter it is because of the graphic icon.

It would seem more complicated for the quest to show the level for every person in these quests. That's a look up for every person playing.
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Well-Known Member
@Marindor Are the T1 boosted chapter requirements still current -1? If so, are they going to be changed to current -3 as well? I have friends on live who are concerned and asking me about this already.


Well-Known Member
@Marindor Are the T1 boosted chapter requirements still current -1? If so, are they going to be changed to current -3 as well? I have friends on live who are concerned and asking me about this already.
i doubt it. it only takes about 6 days to build a maxed T1, while it took 20 days to build a maxed workshop. I feel the pressure is less, also since we only get T1 upgrade every 3 chapters in the past few years, that means in most cases it wont make much difference anyway


Edit Marindor: Deleted post content due to rudeness and inconstructiveness. Please stay constructive and respectful, thank you.
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Well-Known Member
Being in Chapter 14 I need goods buildings at level 24 (sentient) to do these quests.
I have 1 of those, I don't need more than one of them. I hardly needed any Moonstone to complete Chapter 14. Might not need any in Chapter 15. Who knows.

Looks like I won't be getting any bears because these goods quests will take too long to complete.
The workshops ones will be bad enough but these are ridiculous. Why should I build multiple L24+ marble buildings just to do this event?

Do you really expect me to use time instants to get this thing done?

I have been in the game since Beta began. Maybe mot much longer. These events are becoming absurd.


@Jaxom you probably only need 1 level 24 the quest allows you to use level 20 marble factories. What does the quest ask for? 3 productions? then make 2 level 20 factories. or 3 if you can't combine the two. (Yes I looked up what the minimum level factory was)

For those who are very upset about this, there are things to learn about what the game is asking you. For this it seems to be to tier your factories. Something I've done for the last 2 years. Not very successfully but I understand it better now. And now have deleted them for when I need to tier them. While it seemed I was being silly in the other thread with ashrem about deleting my factories, beta is a really good place to learn how to do things. I use both my beta and live to see what works. My live cities are only chapter 3 so deleting factories isn't a big deal.

If you tier your factories, it is a way to have room for everything we will need (maybe enough room) as the game progresses.

This is no different then when the quests started asking for goods from all tier 1 factories. Now it's just part of the game to do it with Fa and sentient goods.


You have a number for all buildings.
I'm an IT developer. Adding a numeric ID to your text is much easier than bastling an icon there.

Task should mean "make 3x bread in the workshop at level 26 and more" ... why solve it graphically so that someone has to look for something, count? He moves the mouse over the workshop and sees the numerical level.


Well-Known Member
For quest 17 I did the 3-hr production in a L23 and got no credit for it. Twice.
Maybe it would for workshop quests but not for the goods ones so far I as I can tell.
Does anyone agree?

Diamond players have bought the expansions to put up lots of magic residences and top level goods buildings but non-diamond players don't have that luxury.
Do the developers think that all players who have made the sentient-goods chapters are diamond players with loads of space?


Task should mean "make 3x bread in the workshop at level 26 and more" ... why solve it graphically so that someone has to look for something, count? He moves the mouse over the workshop and sees the numerical level.

Because of leveling them and then they never have to do look up values for every person in the game to add to the text. If 5 million people are playing it would have to do that for 5 million people. But I understand what you're saying, the text is confusing.

Like Jaxom there, he's leveling new marble factories, it doesn't say what chapter a level 20 factory is in. The size changes, looks different and that's a clue but having a graphic icon let's him know exactly what chapter that factory is in. It means jaxom doesn't have to look it up or over-level, once he hits that first level for the chapter they can stop.

Learning to tier my factories, I was on the wiki constantly pre-planning. This event helped me understand where my tiers should be. I based it on what I thought was the prettiest factory. Which to me is how you make your cities look different because it's completely subjective.