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Battle Armories


When I started playing they were great with big bonus, but since om trying to fight alot and upgraded units take way more time to train it is my strong opinion that starting with level 6 to level 15 of armories they should give
- 0,5% of reduced training time per 3 levels of single armory (0.5 % for levels 6 - 9, 1% for 9 - 12, 1,5% for levels 12 - 15
- starting with level 7 they shoul give TWICE the traing size then current levels from 7 to 15


I agree that the benefits of armories are a tad weak when you get to the current end of the research tree :)
and barracks are too slow as well !


I've changed the prefix of this thread to "Battle", because the threads about Barracks have this prefix as well. For clarity, I've added "Armory" to the explanation of the "Battle" prefix in the Ideas and Suggestions Forum Guide. :)