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Duplicate Armories Mis-read

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General Description (Overview):

What I expected to happen: On the quest to build 4 lvl 5 armories. Currently have 2@lvl 8, upgrading 2 lvl 4 - 5

What actually happened: When I moved an Armory in progress, the quest progress went from 2/4 to 3/4. It reset it self to 2/4 when I tried to move an already built armory.

How often has this happened: This happened every time I tried to move an armory in the process of being upgraded.

Screenshots/Additional information:

Reproduction Steps:

1. Moved armory in upgrade mode (lvl 4 to lvl 5). Quest progress mark went fro 2/4 to 3/4

2. Moved upgraded armory (lvl 8) quest progress mark went back to 2/4 (Current building count)

3.Tried moving all 4 buildings, only happened with the armories currently being upgraded.

Player Name: Shaddar

World: Beta

Operating System: Win XP

Browser and Version: Firefox 36.0.1

Flash Version:
Current as of 3/11/15

Screen Resolution:1280 x 1024


From what I'm reading, That sounds exactly like it. It's not completing the quest but adding to the completion counter(ie 2/4 to 3/4). The count does not stay added if you move an already constructed building or city tile. It reverts back to the qualified counter (ie 2/4) Moving a second required building also under construction does NOT add another to the completion counter. It seems to only happen for the item you have removed from the Town Hall, as stated in the thread you referenced. Attaching it back to the city network releases it from the "bug" application but the Ghost counter stays until something else is done.


Well-Known Member
Great, thank you for your clear description, that should be helpful! I'll lock this thread as a duplicate for now and put a link in the other thread to this one, so your information is also visible from there. Should you have any more clues that could be helpful, please post them in the other thread for us! Thanks again for your help here! :)
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