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ancient wonders


is there any point to research fairies ancient wonders? I still cannot get bulawark and I really wanted it , I still need 3 runes. Now all I get are useless other wonders. I don't need Lighthouse etc. if I research fairies, then the chances of getting bulawark will bie even smaller. what a lot of rubbish, I am sorry, but all you keep giving for actually quite hard fights in provinces are useless same runes.


You can use these "useless" runes to get broken shards and through that a safe rune for the bulwark. ;)


katz, where do u get this info from? no, u cannot use runes to break them if they are for the buildings that u have already built no u cannot break the,


Wait wait. You never said in your text that you already have build other wonders already. Of course if you have them, you cannot break these shards. But it didn't say so in your text.

What I mean is, that you can use shards of unbuild buildings to get broken shards which in the end will lead to a safe shard for the wonder of your choice.


i have built all 3 but not bulawark, and i want it!!!


unbelievable though, it is hard enough as it is to fight the map. but all you put there are usless same runes, they are the same all right? it is very frustraiting! ppl are talking about fairies wonders, when i cant even get my bulawark still!!


I agree, bulwark (which I don't actually want, but still...) seems to have the fewest rune drops. Crystal Lighthouse the most (and I don't want that one either... even built and tore it down so I could break more runes for the shards).



Many players would recommend holding off on the Bulwark. As long as you have other more useful Wonders you can upgrade with any KP you have, statistically it's better to upgrade the others before dedicating the space for a Bulwark. Of course, if you just really like the look of it, that's a different. thing.


I would not recommend holding off on the bulwark
(of course, I am not "many players", but only one player)
I find the bulwark quite suitable for my type of gameplay, and i am pretty happy with it, although I already know that I will be happier when it reaches higher levels ;)