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Quests Adjust quests


[Summary] - The declinable quests for tier 1 and tier 2 goods are unpractical, they should be modified.

- After reaching phase II, the game changes a few of the quests. The tier 1 goods quest changes from 200 goods to the 24 hour production+ supplies. At the same time, you get the tier 2 good quest. But as you have lot of tech tree to go through before you're able to build your first tier 2 factory, having that quest around already, is annoying. Also, the tier 1 goods quest in it's new form asks you to do it just 1 time per day. If you're online more often, you could get more use out of the old goods quest. To me, the 'new' tier1 quest, and the very early available tier 2 quest are completely useless.
My suggestion is to let the tier 1 goods quest the way it is in phase I, just change the amount of goods to something more suitable. Just like the goods quests in the other worlds, for all 3 tiers. And don't start the tier 2 quest so soon in the second phase.

[Reasons for implementing]
- This will improve the amount of declinable quests that a player can use, making the game more fun and satisfying.

[Impact on other game features] - None, as far as I can tell.