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Quests Adjust non declinable quest


Well-Known Member
Most quests that are already done are accepted as ready and do not have to be done again. You just get your reward.
In the dwarvenchapter the quest 'place a granite mine' is not accepted as being done, but I already placed several mines. The quest is non declinable. That is not right since the granite mine is placed (and working fine).
It would be better to accept the mines (or other buildings) that are placed as fullfiling the quest and give the reward and let the player move on.


Well-Known Member
you are right but until this is solved just build a mine and then sell it.

About what are you saying, there is a difference between "place a mine" and "have at least X mines".


Well-Known Member
I understand the difference between place and have. But: at this point in the questline it is not fair to ask for 'place', because it is exactly the point were you are suppost to have at least one granite mine. So maybe the question in the quest should be changed into 'have a granite mine' and that can be non declinable.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
You can always ignore it and decline it (and others following quests) in the next chapter.
This quest is usualy asked when one has all the mines he needs (or has all place used), there are similary stupid quests later (f.e. Dean in S&D chapter asked me to mix basic ingredients when all my faculties were maxed (so no use for those ingredients)).


Well-Known Member
The point is that there are a lot of simular quests that all ask to 'have' and not to 'place'. This quest at this point is really displaced. And I don't like declining quests.


Well-Known Member
I am glad quests can be declined at the end of a chapter, but it would be easier if more had a decline button along the way, especially to do with the guest race that doesn't need to be built because of the portal profits. Has what can be declined even been adjusted based on portal profits? I have "research marble grating site" and as near as I can tell, I don't need to research it, so I don't plan on doing that research, so that quest is going to sit there a long time and it is one that should have "decline" on it because it isn't required.

It would also be nice if you could do any of the next 3 quest. All the time players do things in a different order, which could be what caused this problem in the first place.


Well-Known Member
All the time players do things in a different order, which could be what caused this problem in the first place.
No I did not. In the techtree it is the first tech after 'build a portal' and 'the tracks' which are on top of eachother. So what are you supposed to do?


Well-Known Member
It would be nice, if you could decline all of the quests, and go on to the next one.
My live city is in constructs chapter.
One of the quests says: have 16 production islands. They take up a lot of space, and I could easyly do with 12 islands. It might take a bit longer to produce the goods needed, but building and upgrading the islands takes time and ressources as well.....
For a long time I considered skipping the whole questline. The rewards are pretty bad, compared to the disadvantages completing the quests give.
But in the end I decided to do it anyway. Had I not been able to put my L24 factories in storage, I would NEVER have done the quests.
I know the questline is meant as a guideline, but sometimes it feels more like a straitjacket :eek:


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I had no problem at all in my live city when I was in Constructs because I allready placed 16 islands I guess. Goes to show that we all play a different game.
Nevertheless, in Dwarfs the quest above is at the wrong place and should therefor be declinable or replaced by 'have' in stead of 'build'.


Well-Known Member
The storyline quests can indeed be declined as soon as you enter the next chapter. Non-storyline quests are already declinable. We currently have no intentions to change this, so for now I'll archive this thread.