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User Interface Add tabs to notifications


I posted this in the US forums, but my title is kind of confusing.

I would like to see tabs added to the notification window, when you click on the bell. I KNOW I have neighbors that help me on a regular basis, the the notification of their help gets buried in the notifications of trades that were accepted and/or my fellowship helping me out. It takes me over an hour to help all my neighbors in Elcysandir, and 95% of them have never returned the favor.

So, tabs would make it easier.
Tab 1: Fellowship activity
Tab 2: Trade activity
Tab 3: Neighbor activity

This way, I'd know which neighbors to help FIRST, since I'd get the coin and supply bonus. Then, if I wanted, I could go back to the rest of my neighbors for just the coins.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your idea! This is already part of a proposed bigger overhaul for the notifications so we'll archive this thread now, but it's already brought under the intention :)