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Fixed [9284] Message notification for Fellowship message after leaving

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1250
  • Start date


Game version: v1.5-2ff7b61-(staging) (2016-04-27 9:17)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: __ Google chrome 50.0.2661.94 m
Flash Player version: __ Adobe flash player
Operating System: __ Windows 8.1
Screen resolution: __1920x1080
Account name: __Anne65
Humans or Elves: __Elves

5/5 it keeps happening all day, random? since the last update

Current situation:
The message system in the game keeps telling me I have a new message, but when I check there is no new message at all. It happens random, since the last update, during the whole day. After checking the messages, the red 1 of the new message is gone and after some time it appears again and again there is no new message at all.

Expected situation:
I expect to see the red 1 only when there is really a new message.

Reproduction steps
1. Wait for a red 1 that tells you you have a new message.
2. Check the messages
3. If there is a new message, read it, close the messages and wait till a new red 1 appears
4. Check the messages
5. If there is no new message, close the messages. The red 1 should be gone.
6. Just wait till a new red 1 appears and check the messages again. Many times there will be a red 1 while there is no new message at all.

No new message.png
Did you by any chance leave a Fellowship in the past? We do have an issue where this notification pops up when you receive a message in a Fellowship's circular message when you're no longer part of that Fellowship. So, if you left a Fellowship in the past, then that is most likely the cause. If not, it'll require further investigation.


Yes I did leave a fewlloship in the past. So now I know what causes it. And it explains why it is so random. Sometimes hours nothing and then a few times within a few minutes.


I get that happening when i have deleted a post and someone replies to it so i dont just think that its a left fellowship problem


its not a FS thing as i am still in my FS and have never been in another and its happening to me daily 5 - 10 times! I would reply in my thread but you closed it !!!


King of Bugs
this is still occuring
I get that happening when i have deleted a post and someone replies to it so i dont just think that its a left fellowship problem
exactly with this above steps
get message from someone
reply to it
delete message
that other guy reply back in that old message
i receive notification that i got message, but it doesnt show me message since game remember that i deleted this conversation


Well-Known Member
I get that happening when i have deleted a post and someone replies to it so i dont just think that its a left fellowship problem
I agree this happens a lot after deleting a message from the inbox and from the outbox and it shows up like someone trying to reply to the deleted message


Is this ever going to be dealt with? I am currently getting 20 plus notifications a day for messages I don't receive.


Ok why haven't they fixed the mail notifications bug out????