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Won't fix [7843] City anchoring is releaseable


Game version: 0.31.2622-v0.31-rc2-(staging) (2015-12-09 14:41)
Game world: zz1
Browser + version: FF 42.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Win7 64bit
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: LordB
Humans or Elves: Elf
Hardware Acceleration: off
City graphic quality: low
Reproducability: 4/5

If I go zoomed in to the top border of a city I can release the vertical anchoring of the city with zooming out. (Sometimes I have to zoom in and out a little before it happens)
You can see if you were successful when there is a little blue line on top.
Then you can drag the city down.


1. Go into your city, or visit another
2. Zoom in
3. Go to the top border
4. Zoom out
5. Drag city down
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Can you still reproduce this in the current game version, @LordB? I just tried it and I cannot reproduce it right now (using the same browser that you are using). :)


It is much harder now, but still doable with some endurance zooming in and out for a couple of times.
Furthermore it looks like it is easier in cities with the mainhall in the top corner.

I don't think it will happen to much people since it is somewhat complicated/unusual to do this kind of zooming, so i think it is negligible, it gives nothing exploitable and is not interfering gameplay
Hmm.. no matter how much I try, I'm unable to reproduce this myself. Is there a certain area where you're clicking when dragging the map down to make this happen?


Now with it harder to reproduce I

1st visit a city with mainhall top:

2nd I zoom in and move to the top border:


3rd I zoom in and out fast with the mousewheel, while trying to let the zoom not get completly zoom out. Doesn't work always so I have to readjust to the 2nd step sometimes.
If you see a small blue line while zooming in/out you know your on the right way

4th if the blue bar is still there when you finished zooming (sometimes it also works without it visible) you can move the city down

FYI: After it "worked" in the first city it is easy to redo it in every city.

Edit: Successfully tried to reproduce it with chrome too.
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Thank you. I'm still unable to reproduce this on my system (did another 50+ attempts with various accounts and in various cities - both my own and others'), but I can clearly see that it is happening more than once and also for multiple players, so we'll have it checked out.
As Hardware Acceleration is the only option, and this did not happen with Hardware Acceleration enabled, we will not fix this issue. :)