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Not a Bug [7058] Battle Results window does not appear when clicked quickly


Game version: 0.26.1295-af3ff88-(master) (2015-09-28 14:36)
Game world: Beta, Tr
Browser + version: Chrome + 45.0.2454.101 m
Flash Player version: 19,0,0,185
Operating System: Win 7 Home Prem.
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: semra
Humans or Elves: Elves
Hardware Acceleration: ON

Reproducibility: 5

Current situation:
During a live battle, when pressing the "finish battle automatically" and then pressing "battle results" right after, you don't get the results. Instead you are forced to watch the battle go on until it ends.
However, if you wait a few seconds after pressing "finish battle automatically" and then press "battle results", the results appear as it should

Expected situation:
The moment we press "battle results", the battle result window should pop-up immediately, regardless of the duration between these two buttons

Reproduction Steps
Start a battle in a sector
2. Press "finish battle automatically"
3. Without waiting, press "battle results" right after
4. No results window appears instead you are forced to watch the battle until it ends

*Forgot to mention that this issue is not new. It has been happening for some time and I was lazy to report it*
We've tried this multiple times now, but unfortunately without successfully reproducing the described behaviour: in each case we were shown the Battle Results right after clicking the button, even if we clicked the button well within a second after clicking the button to automatically finish the button.

Can anyone else reproduce this?


This is really strange. I have sacrificed some of my warriors to capture a video of what I'm experiencing.
Here's the link
We were still unable to reproduce it ourselves, but we can clearly see it happening in your video, so thanks for that! We have forwarded the issue for further reviewing.


I found the bug causing this and it has nothing to do with the game. After several tests I found out that the bug was caused by ZenMate. Since even websites like imgur is being blocked in Turkey, I always have the vpn on. Good thing I figured to test it :)

When on, the battle continues. When off, the battle result window pops up within seconds.