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Fixed [7003] Wayfarer's Tavern does not display given population


It does not look right that the Ancient Grounds are earlier in the research tree and have this stats shown:
1,8k culture, 3x7 squares (=21), so they give 85,71 per square.

The Wayfarer's Tavern comes much later in the tree and has this stats shown:
1,3k culture, 6x4 squares (=24), so it gives 54,17 culture per square, what is even less then the culture per square from a garden, so I think there is somewhere a wrong number.
Moved to the general bug area, as this would not be a text-related error if something is indeed wrong here. We'll do some tests and we'll doublecheck the values. :)
In addition to Culture, the Wayfarer's Tavern also provides 460 population, which would balance against the lower culture/square. But, and this is indeed an issue, this is not properly displayed ingame anywhere.


We'll make sure that this is forwarded for fixing.