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Fixed [5540] Trading behaves very Sluggish


Account Juni
Server Beta

every time, I accept a trade, the computer needs at least 4 seconds to execute the trade. everything else works as intended (flipping pages, and so on).

possible reason for it: a player has put >300 PAGES à 10 trade-offers into the system, 4 silk for 6 crystals.

is there a way to remove those offers from the system, it essentially blocks trading for me.

EDIT: I see, trading being killed due to bug-exploit: no problem. otherwise there would be a response. or isn't it a bug, if the trading system collapses with a few thousand offers?
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for reporting this Juni. We are currently not able to reproduce this issue ourselves :( Are there any other players who experience this as well?


until the moment, when someone placed 3000 trades, everything was working fine (currently there are over 3800 trades visible).

I can disclose the player-name to you in a pm.

regarding others replicating it, others in my vicinity should experience a similar situation.

besides: how is it even possible to place such an amount of trades? depending on the speed (connection and server), it should take 2-5 seconds per trade, at 3000 trades, that would mean approximately 2-5 hours of clicking - non stop.


Well-Known Member
Well, you see the trades of your 200 closest neighbours but apparently there's no max on it :p When loading times become too long because of this, the development team might want to know that...

Is anyone else experiencing so many trades and slower Trader's speel because of that?


okay, the 200 closest neighbors it is...

I currently have 376 pages with trades, and one player alone occupies page 50 to page 349. that makes 2990 offers, each 4 silk for 6 crystal.

my guess is: every time a player accepts a trade, the system (locally) needs to check every trade if the player has still enough resources to pay for it. if not, then the button turns grey and the trade will be placed at the end of the list. that is no problem, if it's 500 trades, but 3500 trades require a lot. especially since some sorting mechanismns require exponentially more computing power when used on larger databases. and you have nested sorting systems: sort on affordability, then offered resource, and finally the rating.

EDIT: the problem might solve itself eventually, when that particular player gets kicked out of the game due to inactivity.


Yes, I have the same problem :(
Started with over 300 pages by the same player (might be the same player, might be another), all very tiny trades, now it's below 300 pages but it's really slowing down the trader considerably.
Even proposed to take a huge amount of them if this player'd only put them in one trade and deleted the little ones, but never got a reply to that...



starting with ex and ending with ro?

and who has a city, that looks like built stupid on purpose? (some colums scattered all over the place).


Ah, lucky me!
About 200 pages less now, and the trader responds much better. Appears it was definitely slowed down by the sheer number of trades :)
Thanks for taking them down or... to the person who took them! :p

@Juni - unfortunately I can't mention player names here ;)


yes, much better now. seems someone just accepted a lot of those trades.

or the devs added a cap for the amount of trades.