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Fixed [5394] Option "return to world map" missing after manual battle and negotiation


Game version: 0.18.14003-09431fd-(master) (2015-06-11 15:05)
Game world: beta
Browser + version: Mozilla Firefox 38.0.5
Flash Player version:
Operating System: windows 8.1
Screen resolution: 1366 x 768
Account name: Tintagel
Humans or Elves: Human

Reproducibility: 1/5 (once) so far, not completing provinces fast but didn't have the problem before :)
(1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Current situation:
- I completed the last section of a silk province by fighting (fought the other sections as well).
- After clicking through the pop-up windows about the victory I stay on the province map.
- The option to return to the world map was greyed out (as if I'm on the world map already).
- I only get the option to return to my village.

Expected situation:
The option to return to the world map to be available.

Reproduction Steps
complete the last section of a province (by fighting?).
2. click through the two pop-up windows (congratulating on victory and completing province)
3. you stay on the completed province, with all sections checked with a green mark
4. the option to return to the world map is greyed out

Screenshots of the bug:

When checking my Flash version I discovered it wasn't up to date, which surprised me as I'm usually warned about newer versions and install at once - will update now of course (to and see if it still happens then.
Might take a while though as it takes me some time to retrain units after a fight :p

Same problem occurred after updating Flash to the newest version (, this time while negotiating (couldn't get past the Treants II :( ).
So still no option to return to the world map, only to go back to your village.
Last edited by a moderator:


Thank you for reporting this to us. Apologies for any inconvenience. The issue has been reported to the developers.


No problem, Darkstar :)
Fortunately, there's a work-around (go to your village, then back to world map), but I surely hope it'll be fixed soon! Thank you for passing it on.